Bruce and all;
Just a comment but in the 1960's I grew up on a downtown street in  Battle 
Creek, Michigan. All the kids played outside and rode their bikes,  invented 
new outdoor games to play. WE had a lot of fun. Last summer I was just  
curious to see if the kids were outside playing like we did in the 1960's.  It 
was a beautiful warm summer day and NOT one child was outside playing. I was 
 very surprised. I mentioned this to my Dad and he said maybe they are all 
inside  playing video games.  We used to have a rope swing and everyone was 
over to  the backyard to use the swing. It was fun. I began to wonder if 
kids today would  even like a rope swing. Probably too tame today. 
Now the kids are inside apparently today becoming heavy and playing  video 
games.  I sometimes wonder if they would know what a rope swing  is.
The Good Old Days in the 1960's!!!
--Tom Pennock  
In a message dated 6/4/2009 11:44:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I am betting that the kids of today will show next-to-no-interest in the  
stuff we collect when they grow up, and that there will be all kinds of "new" 
 collectible fields that we can't begin to imagine.
As far as the "old is better" idea, the one thing I see is that many kids  
of today are extremely sedentary, and more and more kids are overweight or  
obese, as are their parents.
When I first made a T-shirt to give away, I naively made equal amounts of  
small, medium, large and extea large. Imagine my surprise when I found that  
MOST people needed 2X or 3X (quite a few said "3X if that is the largest 
you  can get), and next to no smalls or mediums.
A sedentary life style for most of the population is a change for  the 
worse from the world of 20,40, and 100 years ago, and it keeps  getting worse. 
am the last who should talk, since I am overweight myself,  but it is a 
very real problem.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Gerri Farrell <_justkid...@aol.com_ 
( > wrote:


I am known though my  collecting business, Just Kids Nostalgia. I read MOPO 
most of the time but I  never put my two cents in...why? I am not that 
comfortable with having my  words and thoughts posted for all to see. I am 
on facebook and rarely  send conversational email. 

Is there anything wrong with "lurking"? I  don't judge or complain about 
members opinions. As far as using MOPO for  advertising...I have no problem 
with it.

I think that the MOPO input in  general ranges from informative to 
interesting to a waste of time and it  adds greatly to the hobby of collecting 

But as  long as I am here, this is my pet peave with some collectors and 
some of the  society in general. What's with the attitude of "these kids 
today"?. Back in  my day...the movies were better, the music was better, the 
were more  fun to play with, you could get on the subway for a nickel (15 
cents in my  day), everything was made better and lasted longer and we were 
all always  happy. 

Get over it...things change, but most remain the same. There  were always 
great movies, art and music, but most of it was always bad. I am  not sure if 
those cool Buck Rogers rings that came in the mail in the 30s  were better 
than Burger King toys were to my kids. Are metal toys better  than plastic 
ones? I don't think so. To the wide eyes of an eight year old,  most "toys" 
are pretty cool. 

We all know technology is changing  everything. Do you really think that 
Howdy Doody was more important to a  generation than Mario Brothers or World 
of Warcft? What kind of memories  will we have about the early days of the 
internet (we are still in the  middle of the early days).  Do you remember 
that wonderful sound of  dial up and $3.00 an hour to surf the net at a speed 
that would make us all  scream for a 14 year old to fix it? 

Things changed when the railroad  came through. They are still changing. 
People always suffer when there is  change, look at the Bates Motel

Let's not forget the wars and poverty  that never end. It would be nice if 
they are only history to the next  generation. 

OK, I went on and on...this is why I never post. I  really want to delete 
this instead of sending it...Oh, what the  heck!

Ken Farrell 
Just Kids

Wanna slim down for summer? Go to _America Takes it Off_ 
to learn how. 
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