I do not usually post here but would like to point out that, whilst agreeing 
with the sentiment expressed,? 'tasteless' means lacking in taste or bland and 
'classless' means without a system of class (eg a classless society) and that 
'in poor taste' or 'lacking in class' are not derogatory enough to be used to 
describe the insensitivity and greed shown by rodxmorgan. May I, therefore, 
suggest that we settle on 'uncivilised' which seems to sum up both of these 
concepts; unless, ofcourse anyone has a better suggestion?




-----Original Message-----
From: jbirddouglass <jbirddougl...@cox.net>
Sent: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 18:11
Subject: Re: [MOPO] the tasteless, classless post of Rodxmorgan

I just got back from 10 days in the Costa Rica rain forest, away from 
all news and computers. Looks like things on MOPO were kinda dead while 
I was gone...?

By the way, the e-mail jokes have already started....?

"When Farrah Fawcett died and arrived at the Pearly Gates, God granted 
her one wish for all of her accomplishments throughout her life.  When 
God asked her what her wish was, she replied, 'I wish for all the 
children on Earth to be safe.'  God immediately killed Michael Jackson."?

It's good to be back in civilization...?

Greg Douglass?

Michael B wrote:?

> I do not know Rodxmorgan.  Who he is is unimportant.?

> But i did see his post hawking Michael Jackson memorabilia within 
> minutes of the announcement of Michael's death.?

> I don't need lectures on First Amendment rights.  Rather, this is a 
> discussion about someone being grossly classless and uncaring.  
> Michael probably will not know of the classlessness of Rodxmorgan.  
> Michael might have been flattered.  But those touched and saddened by 
> the unexpected death of Michael must have felt Rodxmorgan's 
> insensitivity. 
> You have to look at the totality of the circumstances.  While people 
> were reading MOPO mail prior to the announcement and being tuned 
> into Fox News or CNN or the radio, did not need to see this insensitivity.?

> I remember as a little boy when President Kennedy was killed, tons of 
> commemorative coins, plaques, etc. hit the market.  YES, for profit!  
> And the Elvis souvenirs!  Bruce had a one sheet of Ed McMahon end last 
> night, and a half sheet started last night.  I didn't see him shout, 

> It is all in the approach.    Rodxmorgan approached this in a 
> classless manner.?

> We all know the Michael jokes, yet i don't believe Letterman or Leno 
> (if they weren't pre-empted) or anyone in Vegas was doing them last 
> night. 
> I once asked a question on MOPO as to whether the death of a star 
> generates extra value in posters.  If it is true that it does, it 
> isn't ghoulish. 
> The problem with Rodxmorgan was his approach.  It was wrong.?

> michael?


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