The current situation involving fake movie posters and lobbies began to come to light several months ago, when I received a Frankenstein title card and a Dracula window card from a well known auction house. The window card looked good to me but the Frankenstein title card screamed out that something was wrong. The front of the card, which had a great deal of restoration just did not match the card's back. The notion that the front was a restored mechanical reproduction married with a genuine, vintage lobby card back came to mind.

I sent the Frankenstein TC to Carol Tincup who concurred that the card was most probably a fake.

To say that this situation was disturbing was an understatement. I never thought I'd see the day when fake horror paper could and would be passed off to unsuspecting collectors as the real McCoys. A real game changer.

I immediately placed a phone call to the auction house that sold me the Frankenstein TC in question. They took my suspicions seriously and could not be more professional. That phone call began a chain of events that led to the first lawsuit against Kerry Haggard.

By the way, the Dracula window card was also a fake. But boy, did it look good.

I have seen analysis done on the fakes and have no doubt that reliable ways to weed out the fakes will be available to collectors very, very soon.

I am reminded of a book entitled "The Billionaire's Vinegar." The similarities between the scandal involving millions of dollars in fake vintage wine and the scandal involving fake vintage posters is pretty startling.

Stephen Fishler

PS - Does anyone have a real Frankenstein title card and Dracula window card that they can sell me?

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