The current issue of posters being copied/replicated and sold as original
got me thinking about copies/forgeries and legal/illegal.


Specifically, I thought about the Academy who (as I understand it)
commissioned an exact copy of the Cavalcade OS to hang in their collection
to represent the original OS that they do not currently own.  Of course,
they would never represent this as anything other than a copy, but it made
me wonder about the artist.  Whomever made the copy certainly knew that they
were recreating a poster as perfectly to the original as possible and must
have considered it a good and honest commission coming from a reputable,
paying client.


Would/should the artist have declined the commission because his work might
have been categorized as forgery?  Is it only forgery if the purchaser
represents the piece as authentic?  Is it only forgery if the purchaser
attempts to sell the piece as authentic?


Regardless, if the artist accepts the commission to make a legitimate copy
and the purchaser then attempts to sell the work as authentic, was the
artist at fault?


I'm not trying to slant the conversation in any one direction.  This topic
just caused me think more about the issues and made it far less black and
white situation for me.





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