hello mopolopians - Ive been in deep concentration and reflection .. Like I went to Dagohbah....

1st ..I have been on a creative urge flow.. as I became so feared of going broke.. I started making stuff....

Its funny how fear can motivate the creative juices... so Ive made like 4 Zoetropes and like 3 Movie Cameras that ere reproductions of 35 hand cranks.... Ive sold one to Portugal and one to a new York theatre recently and the Zoetropes have sold to a wide variety of people... Like a Prof at Dartmouth College..

They seem to appeal to Phisics Proffessore and Visual artists and cinema Buffs.

The other day I received a call for a 16mm project and then some poster all needed to be 1989 vintage.. As I was looking I opened a Box of Posters and here where TWO signed Drew Struzan Posters of episode one Star wars I forgot I had.. Plus episode one original mexican/ spanis and also some other episode one
and some german reprints of the trilogy and the medallion posters..

When my son and I went to Denver at the Star wars celebration back in I think 96-97?

I was admireing Drews work he did on TV Guide and said " I love this Guys work" when someone behind me started to laugh and Giggle..... I turned around... It was Drew Struzan !!! so we talked and then I bought four posters and he signed them in silver paint pen.... I remeber selling the two but didnt remember saving the others... anyway it was a fun surprise... and I think my son wants one ...

So one may be for sale..

I have many things we had signed Like a Ghostbuster 2 one sheet that the entire cast signed to Hollywood dream fcatory ® as my friend Peter had a part in the film, we had sold him a ecto one ambulance that he used in NYC as a prop car and rebted then moved to La and rented it for kids birthdays then sold to Kenner for 30K and it was shipped to south america to be used for promotions...
To think its started in Toledo??
everyone siged the poster but Sigorney weaver.

I have some posters signed by Forrey ackerman .... and some other stuff...

also about all the bickering on linenbackers and dealers and auction houses.... Life is short....

Ive made mistakes and goofed up so has about everyone ive known as life throws some real curves at times...

so It would be cool to see everyone talk about the others kindly for a week or so...

Ill start.... I think Freeman Fisher and Claude litton and Rich Halguage are very Funny...

so is Heim and andrea and Toochis is a Mystery to me... whoever she is..... jeff Potaker is a funny person..

Roger Kim is Robotic and yest sensitive... JR and PJ angel are good guys... Lineback leiberman , and all the others make some great posts as does Rix and other the cast of character on Mopo

Times are tough... yet Ive seen a new outlook appearing from people as the economy is touching all.

we can start on Mopo by helping our group and all wish the best for Heritage and all the dealers on here
so I wish all of you and familys well.

AMISH phone call...... yes I received a call from a amish man..... I met a family of amish that was shopping in a goodwill store... and I approached them and they were kind... I said I would like to use Amish to make wood items for me... they were SWISS? German Amish.... and I said wowow! I lover German swiss craftsman... well they took my card... and like a month later I get a call from AMOS... he said we wanted to thank you for the compliments.. I said your people had a calm a sense of honesty and integrity I dont see any more and it made me feel calm
like I was in the midst of honest people withhout any deceptive agenda...

well he said that it .. I have 5 kids and i want to take care of my family... I said Great... then he said come nvists us and my mom will bake yoou a cherry Pie.... see they dont use electric.. they use horses to run a transmission that runs belts to operate the woodworking gear.

Anyways I will go visit the amish this month and see how they live and work... But they seem like very cool people and i know they make great woodworking and other items

For me the fact that they are slowing down to a simple life is a very very soothing experiance.

All the cuurent fast pace is what has made the economy and society Nuts because 90% of what has happened was based on deception in advertising, in healthcare, in Banking, in Cars and products...

If we return to careing about the entire planet of people Not just the higher bracket... we will heal nations and
people and the economy/// IMHO

The world as I see is telling us to get it together and I think we all sense it.

so lets start here and hop that heritage and the restorers and all persons on list can find peace and some balance in the world we live in


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