There you go.  If we could just get you to use spell check we could get a bestseller non-fiction book out of you.  But then you wouldn't be you.

Love from one of your fans, Saul

On Oct 8, 2009, Tom Martin <> wrote:

helloo Folks,,, I have several incidents that I thought may help others
sinec much of topics have been about how to condict business and life in
the poster hobby...

My recent issues were a order from Japan... the person said he couldnt
trust me and wanted me to send goods with a partial deposit.. also he
questioned my quality.. well I thought he was lieka japan sensi so I
listened and actually followed his stringent rules. Then after a friend
advised whats his status on ebay I foound he was suspended for not
paying people... so I advised him I needed wire tranfer and payment for
the incentive product.
I belive he has complied and even offerd me a apology for not being
polite.. so I needed to stand up.. Plus why would he buy again from
Japan if he didnt think my qualitie was good.. People do crazy things

#2 My 1000 plane ticket... I bought for a woman that was non
refundable.. after asking the travel agency and Unnited and american
express to refund.. they all said no.... so I thought how can I make a
Positive from this?
I decided to ask if the would give the ticket credit to the woman...
because sure I didnt want to be used or ripped off from her, But Im
paying for it anyway.. and why buy noithing..? perhaps it will make her
life better in some way, and she can find some peace.. thats my hope and
if we just try to seek protection from things
all the time we dont... so hopefully they will offer a tracvel credit
and she will get to fly anywhere for 1000.oo
credit... that way I tried to turn something into a positive for someone..

## Touching letter... so My ex said a Letter came to my old address.
Its was a resume from Mass. A man

named Albert M. Schwartz 413-446-6650 pobox 590 great Barrington
,Mass 01230 -sent me his resume seeking employment.... this was like
sending a note in a bottle

and I thought who on earth would send me a resume... then before I
tossed in the garbadge can I looked at Alberst resume.....

The man had a impressive resume.. college educated and 40 years of
work.. 34 in being general manager of

a Movie theatre and performing arts center in Great barrington , Mass
called Mahhaiwe performing arts center

he went toUniversity Of hawaii.. Albert was involved 35 years in Film
distribution and also promoted live events.. he was at the theatre from
1974 - 2009

I have no idea why he was relived of his job, however I decide to call
him... he sited his age he's in his 60's

and so it was a interersting phone I decide I would try to
give him some inspireing thoughts.

I asked him what it felt like... hes been out of that 35 year position 9
months. hes working in a restraunt

to make ends meet...... I thought that shows hes humble to take any
work to not give up..

Then we spoke about the biz.. and he knew any topic I touched on like
Thomas Lamb a architeck that built theatres... and Summner Redstone and
even Bob Vale a Guy I know from Boxoffice magazine...
So this man is a very seasoned theatr person seeking a Gig... and to me
was a walking research libaray...

Anyways he thanked me u and down for the call.... and I said how many
did you send?? he said 300
and you 1 of 3 responces period..... I said were the other two
entrepeneuers? he said yes.....

I said well there you ave it Albert... Most people are scared silly that
were taught to fear everything.. But
people that creat business know thatits hard and we are always in change
and that there are no certains each day... I said probably why you
started as a kind 34 years ago was you had no idea what to fear and the
odds were also against you then... so just revert back to that... I siad
worst case is you lose everything... and then youll be like that kid
starting over again.... and thers nothing wrong with living like a kid

so I said Ill do my best to network you and get the word out..... he
doesnt even have a computer as it was in the office and it sounds like
hes in the position I was 10 years ago...... I told him my storys and
how after
I bought my house in 2007 the phone rang it was arnold sawrtzennegers
office wanting to place a order,,'
so good things can happen as equal as the bad.... But we need to also
helpmake it happen for ourselves and others,,.. I have no idea why they
let him go... I have a call into the office to ask what they say... Its
sounded like they wanted fresh talent and perhaps he had got to
comfortable after 34 years,,,
well I think if someon on Mpo could help this man it would be great,,,
even a card of encouragement could make such a differance in a displaced
person.. Think If it were You, and you wer 60s and working in a food
place and all your carreer was behind you!!! so please.... help Albert
Schwartz You could make a differance in a persons life,,, pass on the
number,, call him and just wish him hope,,, I personally believe the
answer to all the current events in the world is to offer care and hope
and do something for each and everyone we can.
as you see Im sure the hell trying and i can barely speak or spell.
Albert Schwartz po Box 590 Great Barrinton, Ma 01230 413-446-6650
Mopo even if you dont have a Job.... perhaps your phone call will give
him encouragment not to give up
and perhaps thats what he needs to get back on track...

Thanks for listening... I dont know Albert other then receiing a resume
in the mail and speaking on the phone..
But he seems very informed of the movie biz.

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