Folks Im a happy camper.. My dignity has been realigned.

see in July I bought a 1000 ticket from expedia.. and when I tryed to change the flight they said 150 Plus 486.00
I thought...
so I told the woman I was trying to get here for my birthday..... she emails and says Its 150 YOU LIED .. never call or email again....
cancel the ticket!!!!
so I called expedia they said if you cancel she gets the full credit 1000 so I start to think I was shammed and so I asked what do I do?? they say DONT cancel then take up with AMEX after the date,

thats what I did... then United and expedia and amex said SORRY you didnt cancel Its a Non refudable ticket
You owe 1000....
well I spent 3 days talking to all of them and they outsource to INDIa, Phillipines, Canada. and even el salvadore I KID YOU NOT!!!! so they all refused to refund me..

So I said Look,,, ive told the truth ... and i told you what happened please at least credit it.... NOPE the ticket has no value...

Then I startd to get angry because I thought.. No Birthday vacation , no girl , no money... wait

well I was able to call corporate and teel my story to expedia... I said look we all make mistakes I thought the India woman said 486 + 150 cancel fee... and when I told Ingrid she said I was a lier it was just 150 and i begged forgivness as I made a Honest mistake... then I thought she was trying to dupe me so I didnt cancel and asked amaex to dispute the fee....

WELL the woman said.... Mr. Martin... You did hear her say 486 + 150 as that was the correct number it was over 1500 to reschedule.... people dont understand it many times.... at that point the feeling I had was so overwhelming because I didnt lie and I didnt even misunderstnd,,, I was correct....

to have my dignity restored was the most awesome feeling..... then she said wait........ and she said I called United and they will give air travel credit to your friend.. and Ill call her and explain...

so I told her Im too devasted to ever call or email her again as it was very tramatising to me to be called a Lier and to also lose 1000... But i said look I wasnt trying to be vindictive,, I just didnt want to be ripped off and thought I was set up..... so it would make me happy to just know someone would be able to enjoy the ticket since i will pay for it.... ad maybe it would brighten this womans Life in some good way.

So my message is try to forgive each other and when hurt Love more instead of retailiateing or pulling back..

Its very hard to do... but you know in your heart that you tryed best as hurting and abusing each other only
leads to more hurt and pain to each other......
serveing each other is what makes communities, familys and  world peace
many have issues like me and the woman have trust issues it appears that can be triggered at the thought of
what could be,,,,
I will try to do positive stuff as long as I can breath.

hop my story helps somone in same position

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