is there any other dealer (other than the bad guys that have been  selling 
them on ebay for the past several years and other than Tom)......that  
thinks these things are real?? anyone on mopo? anyone on nsfge? anyone on mpf?? 
I'd reeeealy like to hear from someone reputable that thinks they are real. 
 Seriously......if you are a dealer or long time collector that believes 
these  minty whites are real......please speak up now.
I have no doubt that there were warehouse "finds" from nss with tens of  
thousands of inserts of hundreds (if not thousands) of titles that were bought 
 for pennies........I also have no doubt that several POPULAR TITLES were  
illegally reprinted after hours by unscrupulous employees several years  
after the films were originally released. Yes, I have spoken with  people who 
were there when this went on. Of course, they still wish to remain what absolute proof do I have???? Zero, zilch,  
nada...........just tons and tons of circumstantial evidence......the fact that 
 these popular 
titles are still sold weekly on ebay for over ten years from the  same few 
criminal sellers...., expert opinions from some of the top dealers and  long 
time collectors from all over the own common the use of my own eyes, hands, and nose that tells me 
something  is NOT 
right with them.

David Lieberman

_CineMasterpieces.com_ (  | 15721 N. 
Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 105 -- Scottsdale, Az  85260
Vintage Original Movie Posters | 602 309  0500 | Office/Gallery Open By 
Appt.  Only.

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