If this is your plan for bringing serious collectors to your new forum,
you need to rethink your strategy. The nastiness is uncalled for,

-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:mop...@listserv.american.edu] On Behalf Of
Holiday Russell
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 10:24 AM
Subject: [MOPO] Fwd: [MOPO] Fwd: [MOPO] New Poster Forum/Group

Wow, did you not read my post?  I am the owner.  I gave my full name and
a link to my collection.  I don't give a rats ass if you visit or not.
We are not a store and I'm not selling you anything.  You ARE a naysayer
and you're one of those haughty-type mopo'ers that thinks your above all
others.  I'm an attorney with 20 years of experience, a collector of
many things over my life, and I am highly intelligent.  So intelligent
that I can spot blowhard like you a mile away.  Please, do not visit us
because we need not your type, Claude.

Just in case you missed it last time:

My name is Holiday Russell.  Yes, that is my real name.  If you care to
check the Florida Bar's website to confim that you can.  I don't care
one way or another.  I have one of the finest collections of advertising
and Japanese posters in the World.  The next time you care to rant,
don't assume that were all dumbasses.

Now, go take a pill, have a glass of wine or smoke a joint - just chill
the frak out dude.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Claude Litton <twoni...@aol.com>
Date: December 19, 2009 10:07:06 AM EST
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Fwd: [MOPO] New Poster Forum/Group
Reply-To:  <mailto:twoni...@aol.com> twoni...@aol.com

Why give me a load of nonsense?  The first page is written by
Jaegermister.  what is his real name.  Why can't you answer my question
here on MoPo?  I asked a simple question which was "Who are the serious
collectors running it?"  All I get from you is sarcasm, and a direction
to go to the site.
If a new store opens and they want my business then they should supply
me with  proper information.  This includes where it is, what it sells,
who runs it, etc.  All you are doing is telling me to go there blindly
and ask questions.  Why should I do that?  You want members, don't you?
Then give people information.  Is my question so difficult to answer
that you have to run in circles around it?
Why don't you answer my question instead of giving me prose and a
misdirected reply with the insinuation that I am "another naysayer".  I
am far from stupid and don't put up with your misguided thinking.  I am
a straightforward individual who obviously asked you a very difficult
question to answer.  
Claude Litton
In a message dated 12/18/2009 11:52:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
hollyr...@mac.com writes:

Love that tone Claude - there's a saying that the greatest hinderence to
growth is contempt prior to investigation.  Rather than be just another
naysayer, why not have a look, post a question, and see if you get an

Holiday Russell
 <http://allposterforum.com/> Allposterforum.com

My collection:
 <http://www.mypostercollection.com/> Http://www.mypostercollection.com

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Claude Litton < <mailto:twoni...@aol.com> twoni...@aol.com>
Date: December 18, 2009 10:15:10 PM EST
Subject: Re: [MOPO] New Poster Forum/Group
Reply-To:  <mailto:twoni...@aol.com>  <mailto:twoni...@aol.com>

Who are the serious collectors running it?
The best part of this forum is that people use real names.   I do not
take part in any of the others for this reason.
In a message dated 12/18/2009 7:20:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
<mailto:p...@cinemarts.com> p...@cinemarts.com writes:

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it here yet. A new poster forum/group
has started in the last few days, run by a couple of serious collectors.
 <http://www.allposterforum.com/>  <http://www.allposterforum.com/>
I for one welcome it, the more the merrier, and any forum/group that is
interested in spreading real info and giving a voice to the
world of movie posters is certainly welcome.
Thus far it's an ad-free zone, probably one of the most important issues
to ensure there isn't a conflict of interests. 
All Poster Forum also covers other than movie posters, such as music,
theatre, advertising, et al and I know there are many members of MOPO
who both collect and deal in these areas, so it also helps fill a bit of
a gap in these areas.
Phil Edwards
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