Nonsense I have done nothing disgraceful - Your out of order...Period!

> Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 10:17:05 -0800
> From:
> Subject: [MOPO] True colors from phony collectors!
> You want to talk about disgraceful behavior, Andy.  How about you  
> banning people left and right simply because they disagree with you,  
> or banning Joneyy because he disagreed with your banners placement.   
> How many people have you banned so far, Andy?  50?  100?
> The reason we left MPF is that it had become about MONEY, YOUR MONEY  
> and how much PROFIT you could make from YOUR FORUM, squeezing it left  
> and right from every member and anyone who dares advertising.  Because  
> at the end of the day, MPF is NOT a forum about posters, it's a  
> VEHICLE to raise MONEY.  It's all about ADS, and your recent endeavor  
> in trying to raise more MONEY with the creation of an authentication  
> site, when you know very well it already exists thru Jeannie, is truly  
> despicable.
> By the same token, coming on MoPo and lying about the amount of  
> members MPF has, when you very well know a lot of people have 3, 4,  
> sometimes more memberships, is as despicable as my email.  And I'm not  
> even talking about spammers.  And since you control it all in your  
> little dark room, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually created  
> members to inflate the tally.  80% of MPF members post only once.  Why  
> is that, Andy?
> So although I completely agree that my tone on this email was  
> borderline aggressive and totally uncalled for (I was probably having  
> a bad day, which can happen to anyone,) and for that I apologize), you  
> are no one to give behavior lessons.  Besides, it was a private email  
> that wasn't meant to be disclosed, and now here you are, publishing it  
> to the world.
> Another DESPERATE ATTEMPT to RAISE MONEY, Andy?  How much do you need,  
> I'll write you a check ASAP.
> Thierry
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