I don't want to turn this into a major MoPo event, but feel I do need to 
comment on Andy's reply to my post yesterday.

Regardless of whether you call it "moderation" or "censorhip" the result is the 
same. It's not something I feel comfortable with in a free and open forum. I 
feel it harbors ill-will and is detrimental to the health of a group.

Adults should be expected to act like adults and take responsibility for what 
they write. Only in an extreme situation should a listowner interfere with the 
exchange. Thankfully there have been very few instances where any intervention 
has been necessary...a credit to our membership.   

I'm totally baffled by Andy's comment that by singling out his and Bruce's 
comments on this PUBLIC forum I have "censored by examining." Huh? I call that 
"discussion." That's how this list works. Everyone IS allowed to respond to 
what another posts on MoPo and voice an opinion. Andy's logic on this point 
escapes me. I will say to Bruce that I took his comment as criticism of MoPo 
and its members....upon re-reading his post there was obviously a breakdown in 
communication...I misunderstood Bruce's not so well-communicated post...both 
parties guilty! :)

How others choose to run their forums is their business. People are free to 
choose to participate where they are most comfortable. But I find it ironic 
that when people have a bone to pick with Andy's forum they come here. That 
says something about us doesn't it?

And for the record, discussing MoPo business is ALWAYS on-topic especially when 
you own the list...no OT required in the subject line. I'm sure Andy made that 
comment in jest (yes I saw the smiley face) ...I just wanted to confirm the 
on-topic status.

MoPo List Owner

---- Andy Neal wrote: 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: MoPo List On Behalf Of Andy Neal
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:46 AM
> Hi Scott,
> Just touching on the C word - "Censorship"
> I certainly wouldn't want yours or anyone else skin crawl that's for sure.
> So would like to clear something up.
> Censorship was a word that was branded upon me which I kind of inherited and
> maybe If I had cared so much at the time, I might have thought a little more
> about the word.
> If were talking China Google kind of censorship then No of course I don't do
> that, If were talking low level censorship such as blocking expletives then
> yes I do censor but I would much prefer to call it moderating, as this is
> the convential name used on forums.
> Censorship comes in many different levels. But the real deffinition is...
> Censorship is to "examine and expurgate"
> Expurgate is to "remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise
> objectionable material from (a book, for example) before publication"
> I certainly don't examine but do expurgate
> By singling me and Bruce out, you have censored by examining. Also you
> didn't put OT on your own off topic email:-s
> My point is maybe we all, including myself shouldn't be too analytical and
> we should get over ourselves (as quoted by someone yesterday) and get on
> with what is important  MOVIE POSTERS
> Kind Regards
> Andy Neal
> Hi,
> Kind Regards
> Andy Neal
> ยป www.movieposterforum.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 23:16:44 -0400
> From: sbu...@columbus.rr.com
> Subject: [MOPO] Time to Update the FAQ...and more
> Well I guess I need to update the MoPo FAQ....my words are coming back to
> haunt me.
> Some time ago I decided to allow MoPo to breathe a little by permitting
> off-topic posts. I thought it would make the group a little more human. I
> think it makes getting to know a fellow cyber-collector much easier when you
> can share a little off-topic info now and then and makes a discussion board
> become more like a group of friends who happen to share a common interest.
> No matter what direction MoPo takes there's always someone ready to
> criticize. Like politics, it's a no-win situation. Stay strictly on-topic
> and the list is accused of being boring. Go off-topic and people complain
> about their inboxes filling up. (Easy solution? Use the DIGEST version and
> get all the posts in a single e-mail).
> The text from the FAQ that JR has so helpfully posted sounds harsh because
> it was posted at a time when the list was in turmoil and in danger of being
> destroyed. I don't want to relive the details, but there had to be a set way
> of dealing with the bizarre shenanigans and putting "rules" into the FAQ
> gave me something to use if I needed to. MoPo survived, but the threatening
> tone of that section of the FAQ remains.
> I guess the on/off topic debate will forever plague MoPo. But as list owner
> I have the final say and this week the wind is blowing more towards allowing
> reasonable off-topic discussions--but please put OT in the subject line. You
> may ask what "reasonable" is....well that's up to me. Sorry, perk of being
> listowner.
> More thoughts:
> One really troubling thing I read this week was posted by fellow discussion
> group operator Andy. He wrote, (in reply to Holiday):
> "RE: censorship - I get more emails for censorship and having a clean forum
> than againt it. Some members will only view and post MPF for that reason
> alone.But your entitled to your opinion obviously, In my eyes it's a point
> of view from a minority of people on the grand scheme of things."
> THAT'S SCARY. One thing I will NEVER be is FOR censorship. Makes my skin
> crawl.
> Another troubling thing was written by Bruce H:
> "...I am so happy there is a "new breed" of poster collector that you mostly
> find on allposterforum.com and not very much here. Many of these collectors
> have hundreds or thousands of posters from the past 30 years. They LOVE
> their collections, and they are buying their OWN memories, not what other
> people tell them should be worth collecting."
> People on MoPo don't LOVE their collections?  Bruce I think you're taking a
> cheap shot here and being unfair to most people on MoPo. There are (and
> always have been) some rather
> vocal/caustic/outspoken/pompous/rude/selfish/greedy/sneaky/backstabbing
> people in this hobby. Thankfully they aren't the majority. But like a hungry
> mosquito, even one can make your life miserable. Whether its on an internet
> discussion group on in the real world it doesn't matter. Give All Poster
> Forum time. I've yet to see ANY internet discussion group avoid drama. It
> comes to all. Sorry Holiday, your time will sadly come.
> Just ask Andy, Ari, Jon Warren, and Donnie of the old Style-B....and
> everyone else who has ever run an on-line forum.
> Just a few cents from your usually-quiet listowner.
> Scott
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
>   From: MoPo List  On Behalf Of James Richard
>   Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:25 PM
>   Subject: Re: [MOPO] everybody back on topic, please!
>   Andy,
>   Yeah, it's nice to be easy going about the on-topic rule -- the problem is
> it doesn't stop with the "occasional" off-topic message. First, the message
> will often stand a thread of off-topic replies. Worse, somebody on sees an
> off-topic thread  thread going on and so decides, since they have nothing to
> write on-topic at the moment, to toss out another "interesting" off-topic
> tidbit... thats starts another thread, etc. At some point somebody makes a
> crack about somebody else in one of the 3 or 4 or 10 off-topic threads going
> on and a feud breaks out...
>   ...the next thing you know, I've got 50 emails a day coming into my inbox
> from MOPO which have nothing to do with posters, films, collecting or
> auctioning them.
>   Already your art-from-grain-of-sand post has spawned 3 off-topic replies
> in the first 38 minutes.
>   I am reminding everybody that it is rule of this list and that everybody
> needs get back on topic and stay that way -- at least for while since the
> off-topic stuff has got so far out of hand of late. Too many people are
> considering leaving MOPO because of all the static, myself among them.
>   Look, there are literally a *billion* other places on the internet to
> discuss Dinosaur Dung and all these other supposedly fascinating things
> floating around on the internet -- but MOPO ain't supposed to be one of
> them. The list owner, Scott Burns, has been very clear about this over the
> years. Once again, from the end of section 1.2 of his MopoFAQ on
> www.Filmfan.com:
>   "There are 2 VERY important rules concerning posts made to the MoPo List:
> 1)  Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes
> name-calling, innuendo, insults or gossip.
>   2)  Off-topic posts are not permitted. There are ample places on the
> Internet to discuss politics, religion, sex or any other issue. Posts to
> MoPo should be related to movies, movie memorabilia, and the people who
> collect it.
>   Persons who disregard these rules will be removed from list membership
> immediately and without notice. However on the first infraction, individuals
> will be permitted to resubscribe if they wish to rejoin the group and agree
> to abide by the posting rules. Upon a second infraction, removal from the
> list membership will be permanent. Determination of a rule violation and
> subsequent removal from the mailing list is the sole responsibility of the
> MoPo List Owner."
>   -- JR
>   Andy Neal wrote:
>     Agreed! JR does raise some very good points which I will certainly take
> onboard.
>     I do think we should have some off topic conversations though if it
> doesn't involve bickering, for example...
>     Check out this Watch made from Dinosaur Dung
> Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at www.filmfan.com
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