It is difficult to conceive that this gunsmith could be defended in the way 
that Jaimie is.


Nick, I haven't seen the movie, but is it possible, possible at all and I'm 
playing devil's advocate here... since the gunsmith was making a gun concealed 
in a crutch, that the person asking for and using the special crutch was 


Is it also possible that this handicapped person worked or lived in a very 
dangerous, high crime neighborhood?  


Is it at all possible that this handicapped person asked the gunsmith to make 
him the crutch with the concealed gun for protection?  Is that possible?


Not only do I believe everything above is possible, I don't think it's 
unreasonable, even if it's not the true intention of the handicapped person. 


It is difficult to conceive that this gunsmith could be defended in the way 
that Jaimie is.


I think I just defended the gunsmith in a very reasonable and logical way.  I 
don't know what was actually said to the gunsmith in the film but as I just 
showed you people can be duped.


BTW, I've wasted far too much time on this matter this evening and will try not 
to respond in the future, unless falsely accused of "hacking" into someone's 
computer or some other BS.






Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 02:05:55 -0400
Subject: Re: [MOPO] 3rd Party Grading Comes to Posters

I would like to make one or two comments on the subject of gun shop owner 

I have no personal knowledge of the facts pertaining to this case nor do I know 
any of the players (save that, before I became aware of these proceedings, 
Jaimie Mendez carried out some restoration for me with which I was entirely 

As a collector and enthusiast I am saddened that fellow collectors and others 
have suffered financial loss and that our hobby has been damaged by the events 
under discussion.

I defer to the far superior knowledge of those who have posted to date but I do 
not find Jaimie being compared to a gun shop owner selling a weapon to a mass 
murderer to be a sensible or logical analogy. In a country in which the sale of 
weapons is legal,  a gun shop owner should clearly not be responsible for the 
actions of his customers once they have purchased an item from the gun shop, 
any more than a car salesman should be responsible for selling a car, even if 
it were to a convicted drunk driver who then re-offends and causes the death of 
a pedestrian.  

However selling guns, or cars, is the day to day activity of the imaginary 
people we are talking about. 'Selling' the kind of 'copies' that it is widely 
reported that Jaimie made (for selling them is what he did in terms of this 
analogy) is not a day to day activity for a restorer. A better analogy would be 
to comapre him to the gunsmith in the Day of the Jackal who made the gun which 
could be concealed in a crutch. It is difficult to conceive that this gunsmith 
could be defended in the way that Jaimie is. Presumably that is why the Jackal 
did not visit an ordinary gun shop to have the weapon made!

Nick Lykiardopulo 

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