so here it comes.. I get an email from a local auction house that they have more than 1000 posters that they'll be selling this weekend. they found my site & wondered if I wanted to come take a look.

so I go down there & they bring me and & they have stacks of 40x60s on these tables broken down to groups of 40 or 50 each and some piles of reproductions too

so I go through them and from the start it's pretty clear it's crap. I mean, I don't think I saw a $30 poster. The best stuff was third rate horror from the 70s. I did however notice that there was tape over the ratings boxes, which of course meant these posters had come down from Canada

so I'm finished looking and I go into the office & sit down, talk to the guy for a while. I tel;l him it's mostly drek and clearly had been creamed at some point in it's past.

he says "well I don't think so. or at least not where the posters were as the place was pretty small and I don't thin they had room to do that with these posters (we all know of course, that if we had to cream a collection in a 5x5 area, we could)"

so he continues
"yeah.. these guys did a 'midnight move'. They pulled out all their reproduction equipment in the middle of the night & left this stuff behind"

and I perk up and I say "reproduction equipment??  You mean MOVIEGOODS!!!"

and he says "yeah, I think that was the name of the place....."


too funny!!! MovieGoods did a midnight move & screwed the landlord (who is now selling this stuff)

too too funny..

ps.. I don't expect to be bidding.. anyone who may want to, email me


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