yep just as i pressed send.. a email from mr Blezzeybub himself came in....

saying all was set for me to be " on the list" list alright... sacrificial Ohios for the cult of Monsters to feast on !!!

so folks... I say this with a tearful thought... that I think im about to enter the Doom fair of Monster

mayhem....  just fricken peachy eh???

I think hes coming to OHIO because i mentioned his cord was shorted out....

that really gets to those monster demons as thy are on Power cord trips!!!

Oh well.. Ill stock up with plenty Holy water... maybe fill up some water blaster squirt guns and be Rambo ish as I enter... If I see anything out of sorts... well.. I pity the fools... It will be a squirt o mania agaianst those monster Rockers as it appears to be my destiny to send them back to the land of FRuits and nuts,,, Callyfornia

all those that are in OHIO dont fret.... well fret somewhat.. but just know Ill do my best to make sure your livestock and duaghter are left whole..
and not tainted by GREG DOUGLASS and his band of Monsters..


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