Sad news today of who can be described as one of Hollywood's genuinely funny 

Many of us will remember the serious part of Nielsen's career with The 
Forbidden Planet being the main film we will all remember but it wasn't until 
Airplane that Nielsen came to the fore with his deadpan humor and great sense 
of timing.

We had an evening interview show here that was hosted by one of Britains best 
known TV faces and radio voices who is very fond of his voice, Leslie Nielsen 
came on for ten minutes or so and stole the show. Nielsen had a little fart 
machine that he had invented and was using. A very effective noise and when 
there were a few pregnant pauses the noise took over. Nielsen remained 
absolutely deadpan and looked the interviewer in the eye as the noise took 
over. The interviewer could not keep a straight face. 

Wherever you are Leslie have as much fun as you gave...I am serious, surely.

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