I just received this e-mail from an EBAY buyer who owes me for several items he's purchased on the site:

I'M REALLY,REALLY ASHAMED AND TERRIBLY SORRY FOR TH? INCONVENIENCE I CAUSED YOU,BUT PLEASE,I BEG YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART AND FOR YOUR OWN GOOD KARMA'S SAKE,TO CANCEL THE TRANSACTION OF THESE PARTICULAR POSTERS.I GUESS YOU KNOW ABOUT THE FISCAL GREEK DEFAULT,THEREFORE,I'M EXTREMELY SHORT OF MONEY RIGHT NOW.Yes,I "bought" THESE items,BUT PLEASE,I BEG YOU to forgive me for my foolish compulsiveness.I'm an honest (not a fraud) buyer but in this case,the situation is far beyond me.SO,PLEASE,SHOW SOME OF THE LENIENCY OF YOUR SOUL AND UNDERSTANDING.It just only happened once to me,so please,do not report any complaint to eBAY.I beg for forgiveness.I'M JUST A HUMAN BEING (LIKE all of us),THAT UNWITTINGLY got "carried away" with bidding for items I couln't realise,at that time,(that ultimatelly,I wouldn't be able to afford to pay).Send me an invoice with your eBAY fees for listing those items & I wiill immediately send you all your expenses via PayPal.God Bless and thank you.Dimitris

My instinct is to handle this situation by the book and marking the items he hasn't paid for as Unpaid Items on EBAY and let the chips fall where they may. Any thoughts on this from fellow MOPOers? I've never had something like this happen to me on the site.

Thanks for any suggestions, Channing Thomson

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