Brilliantly put, Richard.

Big kudos to Scott, MOPO is terrific and i've *met* many 
incredibly knowledgeable, affable and interesting people through it.


 From: Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art <>
Sent: Saturday, 25 February 2012, 20:03
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Thanks Scott
Scott Burns is one of the truly unsung heroes of the movie poster collecting 

his creation - MoPo - is undoubtedly responsible for the furtherance of 
knowledge and building of comraderie between the many members of mopo past & 
present, not all of whom are still with us today. An altruistic pursuit by 
Scott, MoPo is not a money making venture which only speaks to the true value 
of people like Scott who are willing to use their time, effort & financial 
resources for the betterment of others in our community.

Where would we be if this wonderful asset to the poster hobby did not exist? 
MoPo was the springboard for other groups that have followed like NSF, MPF, APF 
& others not yet in existence. MoPo has been for many the entrenue to meeting 
other like collectors in the internet age, wherein the conventions of the past 
which had previously held many collectors together as a group, but which are 
evaporating as more & more collectors never leave their home towns (or even 
their desk) in the pursuit of this wonderful hobby.

we salute you Scott for bringing us together

Kudos to Scott Burns and MoPo

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