The sad thing is a film like "The Artist," which has done poor business in the 
U.S. despite winning the Oscar last month for Best Picture - is not considered 
a flop because it had a modest production budget.  (BTW, if you haven't seen 
that film yet, hold your dollars; the film is being released on DVD next 
month.)  But "John Carter," despite its merits, is headed toward becoming one 
of the biggest box office flops in Disney's history.  Some say the film, which 
cost a whopping $250 million to make, may even lose this weekend's Friday 
through Sunday box office in the U.S. to "The Lorax."  CinemaScore, the market 
research firm, says "John Carter's" demographic is running at 65 percent male, 
indicating the picture turns off women.  The business projections for "John 
Carter" are so dire - that there's talk Disney may lose $100 million to $165 
million on the picture.  Audiences have no clue about much of this negative 
chatter of course, but some analysts say Disney made a huge marketing mistake 
with the film's title, which only resonates with Burroughs fans and to 
comic-book fanboys - by dumping its original working title, which was a more 
intriguing and mysterious, "John Carter on Mars" - and not just "John Carter."

Los Angeles Times:,0,2000583.story

Entertainment Weekly:

Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 21:14:38 -0800
Subject: Re: John Carter: excellent

Very happy to hear these comments, as a long time Edgar Rice Burroughs 
fan.Always thought the Barsoom adventures would be fantastic on the big 

--- On Sun, 11/3/12, Richard Auras <> wrote:

From: Richard Auras <>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] John Carter: excellent
Received: Sunday, 11 March, 2012, 3:14 AM

Caught it last night myself and can echo your sentiments.  Best movie I have 
seen in a while.

From: "" <>
Sent: Sat, March 10, 2012 7:17:47 PM
Subject: [MOPO] John Carter: excellent

What an amazing science fiction movie...maybe one of the best for some 
time...highly recommended.


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