I agree...we are truly in a circus...

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-----Original Message-----
From: lovenoir2 <loveno...@gmail.com>
Sender: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>
Date:         Mon, 23 Apr 2012 19:45:28 
Reply-To: lovenoir2 <loveno...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] More Clarification

Speaking of heavyweight items and clarification.

When is there going to be some about the Metropolis 3 sheet? That's
about as heavy hitting an item as one can get, yet clarification about
it (sold? not sold? why has it gone from the MPE site) has yet to be


On 4/23/12, Bruce Hershenson <brucehershen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Not me. I only auction cheap junk. I leave major posters like these to the
> heavyweights of the hobby, like MoviePosterExchange or Heritage.
> Bruce
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 8:58 PM, <rixpost...@aol.com> wrote:
>> **
>> I have inside information that Rudyard Kipling collected classic silent
>> movie posters. In fact, he had an original Greed one sheet on his living
>> room wall the night that he died. Will that one sheet eventually appear in
>> Bruce's auction or in Heritage?  Only time will tell.
>>  In a message dated 4/23/2012 6:41:01 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
>> brucehershen...@gmail.com writes:
>> P.S. I just was re-reading this classic poem, and it seems to fit this
>> discussion quite well:
>> If you can keep your head when all about you
>> Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
>> If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
>> But make allowance for their doubting too:
>> If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
>> Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
>> Or being hated don't give way to hating,
>> And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
>> If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
>> If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
>> If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
>> And treat those two impostors just the same:.
>> If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
>> Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
>> Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
>> And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
>> If you can make one heap of all your winnings
>> And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
>> And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
>> And never breathe a word about your loss:
>> If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
>> To serve your turn long after they are gone,
>> And so hold on when there is nothing in you
>> Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
>> If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
>> Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
>> If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
>> If all men count with you, but none too much:
>> If you can fill the unforgiving minute
>> With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
>> Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
>> And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
>> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Bruce Hershenson <
>> brucehershen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Sounds like you have it all figured out. Best of luck!
>>> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:59 PM, <s...@platinumposters.com> wrote:
>>>> Bruce, thank you clarifying.
>>>> Yes - you would be responsible for paying to ship your items to
>>>> MoviePosterExchange.com.  I believe this is standard in the industry.
>>>> Do
>>>> you reimburse people when they ship items to you?  Having never
>>>> consigned
>>>> anything to you I am unaware if you do this.
>>>> Of course, using the figures you provided, even at the lowest end the
>>>> numbers come out very favorable compared to your rates.
>>>> For example you wrote: "So this means that when we sold a $30 poster, we
>>>> would pay MoviePosterExchange a $3 commission, PLUS the approximately
>>>> $11
>>>> shipping. So we would pay $14 to sell a $30 poster. It gets even worse
>>>> the
>>>> lower the price goes. On a $20 poster we would pay $13, and on a $10
>>>> poster
>>>> we would pay $12, for a net LOSS of $2 for every $10 poster we sold!"
>>>>  The numbers you have given seem like a bargain compared to the
>>>> consignor who sells a $30 poster on eMovieposter.com
>>>> Where there they would pay a $12 commission and when you add in the
>>>> approximately $11 shipping, they pay $23 to sell a $30 item on
>>>> eMovieposter.com. I am sure it also gets worse as the price gets lower.
>>>>  The point being if you have a single $30 item to sell, there are
>>>> probably better options than eMovieposter.com or
>>>> MoviePosterExchange.com.
>>>> And if you have a bunch of $30 items that you would like to dump (and
>>>> don't mind if approximately half of them sell for $14 or less as you
>>>> tell
>>>> us every week), eMovieposter.com might be a good if not great option for
>>>> you.
>>>> MoviePosterExchange is probably not your best bet for this type of
>>>> dumping, we understand and accept this.
>>>> But, if you have higher quality items (either a single piece or a whole
>>>> collection) and you have a fixed price in mind for them, there is not a
>>>> seller that offers better terms than MoviePosterExchange.com
>>>> Take for example an item like the Gimme Shelter one-sheet
>>>> eMoviePoster.com is offering at a fixed price.  If it sold on
>>>> eMovieposter
>>>> for the $264 asking price, you would pay a 28% commission, or almost $74
>>>> -
>>>> which isn't horrible compared to other sites.  But if you sold it on
>>>> MoviePosterExchange.com for that price you would only pay a $26.40
>>>> commission and even if it cost you $11 to send it to us, your effective
>>>> rate would still be about half that of eMovieposter.com
>>>> And again, we do appreciate the offer you gave us to list items on our
>>>> site - if you will remember we even offered to have our programmers
>>>> convert
>>>> your information at our cost so you would not have to pay anything to do
>>>> this and I apologize if your last email went unanswered. Ultimately it
>>>> is
>>>> probably for the best - the items we have listed for sale are from real
>>>> collectors wishing to sell real posters, and not dealer leftovers that
>>>> have
>>>> been extinsively advertised elsewhere on the web to give the illusion of
>>>> greater numbers.
>>>> We are both committed to building a better hobby and giving customers
>>>> the best possible service that they can ask for, certainly nothing wrong
>>>> with that.
>>>> Best of luck with your current auctions, Sunday's selection looks great
>>>> and I am looking forward to seeing the rest.
>>>> Sean
>>>>  From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of
>>>> Bruce Hershenson
>>>> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 6:46 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Potential Conflict of Interest? Is Gavel-Snipe owned
>>>> by Heritage?
>>>> Just a clarification:
>>>> When I saw that MoviePosterExchange had way less than 1,000 items
>>>> listed, I offered to list my 700 fixed price items there, because it
>>>> would
>>>> nearly double their total, I was naive enough to believe that nearly
>>>> doubling their listings would be something they might want to do
>>>> (perhaps
>>>> just to create the illusion they were getting lots more listings) and I
>>>> was
>>>> willing to help this new enterprise out, even though at best it might
>>>> result in a handful of sales for me, and that would not even come close
>>>> to
>>>> covering the cost of my programmers converting our auctions to fit their
>>>> software.
>>>> But when I took the time to read their terms of sale, I realized that it
>>>> would be eMoviePoster.com who would have to pay for the shipping to
>>>> MoviePosterExchange and that the customer would not pay us back for
>>>> that.
>>>> So this means that when we sold a $30 poster, we would pay
>>>> MoviePosterExchange a $3 commission, PLUS the approximately $11
>>>> shipping.
>>>> So we would pay $14 to sell a $30 poster. It gets even worse the lower
>>>> the
>>>> price goes. On a $20 poster we would pay $13, and on a $10 poster we
>>>> would
>>>> pay $12, for a net LOSS of $2 for every $10 poster we sold!
>>>> Now of course, we sell lots of fixed price posters that sell for the
>>>> above amounts (and even quite a bit less), and many dealers have mostly
>>>> items they ask much higher prices for, so maybe for them,
>>>> MoviePosterExchange is a truly viable option (for example, on a $100
>>>> poster, they would pay around $21 counting shipping, even less if they
>>>> pack
>>>> less securely than we do.
>>>> But once I realized the above, I knew the only way we COULD possibly
>>>> list our items there was if we could send them directly to their buyers,
>>>> and I asked if we could do that. I never even got a reply of any kind,
>>>> and
>>>> I apologize for apparently unknowingly insulting them.
>>>> I wish them the best of luck with their enterprise, and hope they have
>>>> great success with their April auction.
>>>> Bruce
>>> --
>>> Bruce Hershenson and the other 24 members of the eMoviePoster.com team
>>> P.O. Box 874
>>> West Plains, MO 65775
>>> Phone: 417-256-9616 (hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 except from 12 to 1 when we
>>> take lunch)
>>> our site <http://www.emovieposter.com/>
>>> our auctions <http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html>
>>> <http://www.emovieposter.com/unused/signature/20111028Frankensteinemployeegroupphotosignature.jpg>
>> --
>> Bruce Hershenson and the other 24 members of the eMoviePoster.com team
>> P.O. Box 874
>> West Plains, MO 65775
>> Phone: 417-256-9616 (hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 except from 12 to 1 when we
>> take lunch)
>> our site <http://www.emovieposter.com/>
>> our auctions <http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html>
>> <http://www.emovieposter.com/unused/signature/20111028Frankensteinemployeegroupphotosignature.jpg>
>> Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at www.filmfan.com
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> --
> Bruce Hershenson and the other 24 members of the eMoviePoster.com team
> P.O. Box 874
> West Plains, MO 65775
> Phone: 417-256-9616 (hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 except from 12 to 1 when we take
> lunch)
> our site <http://www.emovieposter.com/>
> our auctions <http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html>
> <http://www.emovieposter.com/unused/signature/20111028Frankensteinemployeegroupphotosignature.jpg>
>          Visit the MoPo Mailing List Web Site at www.filmfan.com
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