Are you saying that Rich might be buying...

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-----Original Message-----
From: peter contarino <>
Sender: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU>
Date:         Mon, 7 May 2012 10:44:04 
Reply-To: peter contarino <>
Subject: Re: [MOPO] I'M BUYING at CINEVENT - Collections, Bulk Lots, Dealer 
Buy-outs - All Poster Sizes, Any Quantities

So just to be clear Rich, you are looking to buy material at


Peter Contarino


From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Richard
Halegua Posters + Comic Art
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 3:38 AM
Subject: [MOPO] I'M BUYING at CINEVENT - Collections, Bulk Lots, Dealer
Buy-outs - All Poster Sizes, Any Quantities


That's right I'm going to Cinevent so I can buy posters and if you have
material you want to sell, bring it there, or at least talk to me about it

I'll have some extra time and if you're close by, maybe I can come to you

If your collection or deal is sweet enough, I'll stay after the show &
change my plane ticket

I'm buying All Poster Sizes from 11x14 & mini-window cards to Inserts, Half
Sheets, One Sheets, Three Sheets, 30x40 and larger as well as smaller sizes.
I'll buy one great poster, or I'll buy 10,000 posters if that's what you
have to sell.

Collector looking to sell out?? I want to buy your collection!

Dealer looking to trim down their stock?? I want to buy your overstock!

Or are you a Dealer looking to sell out once and for all and move on to the
better parts of your life?? I want to buy you out!!!!!

If you just have one cool sci-fi poster from the 1950s, 2 boxes of posters
you got in a collection that you don't want, or a back seat full of boxes..
bring them to me & I'll see if we can do a deal for them right there on the
spot. Call me first at 702-285-3554 from Noon to 9pm Pacific time

If you have a larger load of material that cannot be brought to the show,
call me before the show & we'll discuss your material, or talk to me at the
show and if I need to change my plane ticker so I can go look at your stuff
& buy it from you, I will!!

I'm not looking to take your stuff as a consignment for you to wait until
your posters have been sold before you'll get your money.. I'll buy them
from you and you won't have to worry about which auction is best to sell. 

See me at Cinevent in the main room directly across the room from the
entrance doors - I'm on the opposite wall from the doors, a little to your
right. Look for the logo banner on the wall and that will
be me

PS: I am also buying for my collection, so if you have anything from teh
list of titles below (all Raymond Chandler material), please bring it for me
to sell.
In addition to those titles, I also collect material with gambling imagery
from people playing poker, to slot machines, craps, roulette, other casino
games, illegal street craps and horse racing as well as any gambling that I
left out. 

Here are the Chandler titles

Falcon Takes Over
Time to Kill
Double Indemnity
And Now Tomorrow
Murder My Sweet
the Unseen
Blue Dahlia
Big Sleep 1946
Lady in the Lake
Brasher Doubloon
Strangers on a Train
Long Goodbye
Big Sleep 1975
Farewell My Lovely

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