You should consider writing a blog. FRANC

-----Original Message-----
From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Geraldine
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Why do so few women participate on MoPo?

The odd thing is that women love movies. 

I don't know how many of my women friends belong to movie groups. They meet
up to have a bite and see a flick together. They share videos and pass along
DVDs to each other. But poster collectors? I hadn't really thought about the
number of women collectors vs the number of male collectors so I did a quick
google search. 

>From  " From birth, American women and men are raised to view
and spend money quite differently. Our socialization, a trained behavior, is
primarily modeled after our same-sex parent. While experts agree these
generalizations are breaking down, the money paradigm most of us have been
dealt is similar... 


Women, trained to nurture and seek acceptance, view money as a means to
create a lifestyle. Women spend on things that enhance day-to-day living.
Theirs is a now-money orientation.      

Men, trained to fix and provide, view money as a means to capture and
accumulate value. Men don't spend, they invest. Men don't want something,
they need it. Theirs is a future-money orientation..."

The article goes on the elaborate what each of the sexes accumulates or
collects.. Women like to shop whereas men get trophies...

"Men will say, 'I need a new computer.' No, you want a new computer because
it's faster, it has more bells and whistles," says Hayden. "Men move those
things they want into an investment category, 'This is a good investment.'
And then they can't even enjoy it, they can't go, 'Oh, this is so much fun!'
Everything is a serious need and everything is an investment. What men need
to do is kind of ease up a little bit and enjoy what they're actually able
to provide for themselves...<snip>... Women spend their money gradually over
time, and men spend it on a number of big things. "They spend really big to
show off because there's a lot of ego risk on men today to do better than
the next guy," she says.."

As far as is concerned, women would rather spend hundreds
buying a new pair of shoes or outfit, then go out to dinner and the movies
where as guys will take that $$$ and invest in movie memorabilia. Guys will
then join and post on MOPO to follow their investment. 


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