If you are happy with the service you receive from the movie poster
auctions you deal with, then great! But if you find one or more of them
lacking in any way, consider the following unsolicited message we recently
received from one of our buyers, and if you are one of the very few movie
poster collectors who isn't a regular bidder with us, consider placing one
order with us, and see why our business generates the following kinds of
comments on a regular basis:

"To Angie and all those at eMoviePoster: You are the *BEST*. In fact, the
reason I buy thru you ( and *ONLY YOU*) is that you give me absolute
certainty on all engagements and purchases. I've followed you from eBay to
emovieposter.com and I'll never go anywhere else.


*AND*, your shipping and packaging in the *BEST*!  *It's like buying a new
APPLE product.* The packaging, the care and attention. I can't fault it. The
*PAY & HOLD* feature is a real incentive for me personally. It allows me
the freedom to trade as I want without incurring the substantial cost. Then,
when I do  get my *PAY AND HOLD* delivered, its pure joy. As the mailman
delivers my sturdy mother lode of tube or pouch, it feels like Christmas.

The only thing that gets me a bit is your auto-response engines. Man, you
can make them cooler. Hey, I'm not a huge trader, but I am regular
watcher/bidder.  I'm just missing a bit of the human interaction. Now I dig
you guys run a *HUGE *business, but you know that ultimately what any
customer wants is a direct & personal relationship.

P.S. Keep it up. If you ever need a testimonial to your security,
reliability and honesty for international buyers, I'm your man."

Incidentally, I replied to his comment about our "auto-responses" as

"This is Bruce (and I assure this is Bruce personally!). I too really miss
those long ago days when I "only" had a couple of thousand customers and I
could reply to every one of them personally, and I was on a "first name
basis" with almost all of them! But the business has grown so much (34,000+
customers) that :"auto-emails" are a necessity! Myself, I really hate when
I get letters that are supposedly from someone, and they have "personal
touches" inserted, but you can tell that it was machine written. So we go
in a different direction. We make our automated e-mails absolutely sound
like they *ARE *automated, so that people can tell that they are, and that
they shouldn't take anything in them personally,* IF IT DOESN'T APPLY TO
Of course, in these days when most people skim things, some people can
misunderstand our auto-messages, but overall, the vast majority of our
34,000+ buyers are able to distinguish between automated e-mails and
regular ones, and can work with our system well. If we didn't have those
automated e-mails, then we would surely have to either have *LOTS *more
employees, or way fewer auctions, and I don't imagine anyone wants that
(because with lots more employees, we would have to start charging buyers

You *CAN *call in any time and pay for your order that way and talk to our
super-friendly people, but of course you need to recognize that they are
also super-busy, so they won't be able to talk for a long time, but I know
that we have far better customer service than any other company I know of.

Which brings me to your comments! Lately, we have had a series of events
that have put extra stress on everyone here (mostly non-work-related stuff,
like employees with close family members having grave illnesses, etc), so
it really is wonderful to get an e-mail like this. I will circulate it to
everyone here so that they can really know that all our hard work is

Thanks very much,

Bruce Hershenson and the other 26 members of the eMoviePoster.com team
P.O. Box 874
West Plains, MO 65775
Phone: 417-256-9616 (hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 except from 12 to 1 when we take
our site <http://www.emovieposter.com/>
our auctions <http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html>

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