Tom, et al
Don't you mean RESPONCIVILITY?

The Spelling Police

On Jul 7, 2012, at 5:52 PM, Tom Martin wrote:

>> Bruce is Righton along with Franc also.... thepublic in general is
> freaking out... as all they believed in since Youth has come to a
> degree of lack of empathy... some companys Mantras are to not careas
> thebottom like is all thatmatters... But they aremissing the point
> ... the otherdayI talked to a credit card company that negotiates the
> debt down 50% and retainds the credit 
> I said but I want to pay back 100% i just had some down issues... he
> said its acorrection to alleviate the debt... I thoughtI ran up the
> debt ... its just the bank is chargingme deep interest soI need to
> make largere payments to pay it off... when I look back....I think
> forgivness of debt is good howevere there should also be counceling
> and ways to teach youth and adults ways to manage Funds.. Most people
> use cards when funds are low, they need medical, a car repair..etc..
> but sometimes they have a opportunity to buy something on a deal...
> so they speculate... its easy when the valve is on and we have Cash
> Flow... but when the unforseen happens.... well we have chaos... the
> answer?? cut back, economize, disapline and pray to God for
> diserment.... because the worlds economy is in disarray....
> also nevergive up... and look back at what matters as far as respect.
> patience, Love , gratitude, and honesty... as we all make mistakes...
> itshard when things are all fouled up.. like all the weather, the
> recent storms, fires.. etc... But our relatives in the past fought
> crazy wars, had drought, had the market go Bust
> had many illiness in a way we have had it good... we justneed to
> clean up the mess and start FRESH... and it can start 1/1 in your
> work, your business, your neighbors...this is the Time to love more
> not less...even the bankers have relatives that have been touched by
> the housing proble,s as also investors, and family ofinvestors...and
> family of those that are Ill, lost homes, lost jobs...
> the shock that a person whoo played by the book, worked as a company
> person , dedicated... and then let go so the company could JOB out to
> mexico, china, is also a MORAL issue... watch Its a wonderful life
> and you see what family and unity of people can do to corporate
> Greed... and there are Many George Bailys in the world... they just
> are simple kind people not looking to ravage the weak to fatten thier
> coffers... NO they not only take responcility.. they help the sick,
> needy, and oppressed... I believe thatGod and the 995 of the world
> will prevail... as the youth see the issues , the college kids see
> its not working, and the ones that can help see whats happening...It
> may have to get worse before it gets better.
>> ---- Original Message ----
>> From:
>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Ebay Buyer from hell
>> Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 17:22:29 -0500
>>> I completely agree. But if I were kicked out of a job I had for 30
>> years by
>>> a company that made record profits, I too might not act as well as I
>> would
>>> hope!
>>> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Franc <> wrote:
>>>> **
>>>> Bruce, I agree with your sentiments here but I also think that
>> there's
>>>> just a general lack of courtesy that has become the standard, not
>> the
>>>> exception. FRANC
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> *From:* MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] *On Behalf
>> Of *Bruce
>>>> Hershenson
>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, July 07, 2012 5:25 PM
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [MOPO] Ebay Buyer from hell
>>>> Judith
>>>> Of course I have no clue on that crazy woman, but generally, I
>> think you
>>>> are seeing the results of big business run wild in our country.
>> They are
>>>> losing employees left and right and giving the ones that are left
>> more and
>>>> more to do for the same or less pay, and meanwhile they are
>> blaming it on
>>>> the "recession" but they are often making record profits.
>>>> And the politicians are *ALL *miserable, so busy stuffing their
>> own
>>>> pockets with graft that they are not seeing the misery their
>> actions (and
>>>> inactions) are causing.
>>>> We are seeing the rapid destruction of the middle class *AND
>> *millions
>>>> who *THOUGHT *they were OK for retirement are finding they get
>> zero on
>>>> their investments (because the government is printing trillions
>> and loaning
>>>> it at zero to the banks, to keep bailing them out), and now they
>> will
>>>> likely have to work the rest of their life. And we are told that
>> when we
>>>> are destitute the government will care for us, but for some that
>> is little
>>>> comfort.
>>>> And there is no sign anything will get better anytime soon.
>>>> I would say THE *ABOVE *greatly contributes to general fear,
>>>> unpleasantness, and outright anger that you (and I) witness more
>> and more
>>>> on a daily basis.
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Judith Weaver
>> <>wrote:
>>>>> Slightly off-topic but mostly on:  Why is nothing ever easy any
>> more?
>>>>> Maybe I'm showing my age, bu I can remember when people were
>> honest,
>>>>> congenial, easy to deal with, and life was pleasant.
>>>>> Over the past few years (started when I was living in Jerusalem),
>> I have
>>>>> become heavily involved in rescuing cats and kittens.  You would
>> not
>>>>> BELIEVE some of the people I have run into in this field.  They
>> are
>>>>> INSANE!!!!!  I had one woman approach me in a Petsmart where I
>> was offering
>>>>> rescued kittens for adoption, and she looked at me and said
>> "You're a
>>>>> turd."  I was so shocked I didn't even know what to say!!!
>>>>> Not only with animals but movie paper, books, etc., I'm beginning
>> to
>>>>> think the world has gone NUTS--except for me and everyone on
>> MOPO.
>>>>>   Judi
>>>>> Judith Weaver
>>>>> 1457 Guava Avenue
>>>>> Melbourne, FL  32935
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2012 12:45:53 -0700
>>>>> From:
>>>>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Ebay Buyer from hell
>>>>> in my case, I just asked him to come to Vegas sometime
>>>>> At 12:40 PM 7/7/2012, peter contarino wrote:
>>>>> Franc-the single worst customer I have ever encountered. So bad
>> that if
>>>>> memory serves I told him I was headed to the airport to fly to
>> Victoria so
>>>>> he could actually say whatever he was spewing at the time to my
>> face. I
>>>>> don’t know of anyone who has had anything but a horrible
>> experience with
>>>>> this guy. Block him.
>>>>> -Peter
>>>>> *From:* MoPo List [
>>>>> *On Behalf Of *Franc
>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, July 07, 2012 2:59 PM
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [MOPO] Ebay Buyer from hell
>>>>> Yes, I guess when it happens to someone else it's extremely funny
>> but
>>>>> when it happen to you, you harbor the memory for years! FRANC
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art
>> [<>]
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 2:46 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [MOPO] Ebay Buyer from hell
>>>>> Franc, there is only one response for you concerning this Cioffi
>> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
>> ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
>> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
>> ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
>> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
>> ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
>> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
>> ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
>>>>> At 11:40 AM 7/7/2012, Franc wrote:
>>>>> Have any of the Ebay sellers on this board had dealings with a
>> Ebay Buyer
>>>>> named John Cioffi aka supabintan? He lives in Victoria, Australia
>> and
>>>>> appears to be the buyer from hell. He purchased something from me
>> on June
>>>>> 14. When I didn't receive payment from him, I sent him an Ebay
>> Reminder ten
>>>>> days later on June 24, which did elicit a response and the
>> response
>>>>> unfortunately was some nonsense about having trouble with PayPal
>> and he
>>>>> wanted me to accept an alternate payment, which I almost never do
>> anymore
>>>>> except for good customers that I've dealt with over the years. I
>>>>> reluctantly said I would accept a postal money order which he
>> told me he'd
>>>>> send out by Express Mail. A few days later, he sent me some
>> nonsense about
>>>>> how I should have graded the lobby card he purchased as Good
>> condition and
>>>>> not as Excellent- because I said it had a few pinholes. This was
>> before
>>>>> even paying for or receiving the lobby card in question and I
>> probably
>>>>> should have known at that point that this buyer was going to be
>> bad news. I
>>>>> told him that grading terms were subjective but a photo scan that
>> was
>>>>> enlargeable was provided on Ebay, as well as a thorough
>> description of all
>>>>> the defects on the card. He then sent me a list of links to
>> photos of cards
>>>>> he owned which he wanted me to rate. I declined and asked him
>> when he
>>>>> planned to pay for the card he bought from me. He once again
>> promised to
>>>>> send the payment by Express Mail. As of last Thursday evening I
>> still had
>>>>> not received a payment from this idiot and asked him for a
>> tracking number
>>>>> which he refused to provide so I closed my Ebay Dispute and
>> received a
>>>>> Final Value Fee from Ebay. He then proceeded to sent a tirade of
>> e-mails,
>>>>> one of which DID contain a tracking number for an International
>> Air Mail
>>>>> Delivery which was delivered to a USPS Disbatch Center in New
>> York for
>>>>> distribution but was clearly not delivered to me as of yet. If I
>> ever do
>>>>> get this payment, I'm sending it back unopened. I don't want to
>> do business
>>>>> with jerks like this anymore. Life is too short. Unless you've
>> got loads of
>>>>> patience, I'd recommend you add supabintan to your Bidder's Block
>> List.
>>>>>  Franc Martarella
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>>>> --
>>>> Bruce Hershenson and the other 26 members of the
>> team
>>>> P.O. Box 874
>>>> West Plains, MO 65775
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