I don't think Mr Mannheim branded anyone as evil other than the two people who screwed him. However, there have been numerous people over the years that brand dealers as bad, and we had one dealer member who regularly demonized others. Geraldine for instance a couple months ago pretty much said all dealers suck. It's a bullshit line that gets bandied around by the unhappy

At 09:29 AM 8/18/2012, Richard C Evans wrote:
I didn't really pick up on the elements branding all dealers that way, but I wouldn't be as sensitive to it from this side of the fence.

Unless it's the first paragraph of Mr Mannheim's post, which does paint with a broad brushstroke.

Given his predicament, and that this niche interest does continue to punch impressively above its weight in the scandal department, I guess it's understandable.

I'm sure most collectors consider you guys and the majority of dealers decent and above board.

Aside from the tiny minority directly involved with these scandals, I imagine the frustration on this side is that whenever one comes along there's an element that want it to be off limits. Likewise with the resurrection of The Outlaw issue, shouted down when very relevantly yet another appeared for sale.

Don't know whether that would be down to personal allegiances, but if it is just a well meaning, if desperate, spraying of air freshener over the image of the hobby, it appears counterproductive.

On 18 Aug 2012, at 03:05, Richard Halegua Comic Art wrote:

I echo Kirby's comments

At 07:04 PM 8/17/2012, Kirby McDaniel wrote:

I am glad you took the time to answer this. As a poster dealer, I get very annoyed with people on the list who want to brand all dealers as chiselers. But people like Ken create the environment that encourages just that kind of belief.

I am sorry that you were taken for this rather unsavory ride, and I hope you recover your losses.

Good luck,
Kirby McDaniel

Kirby McDaniel
MovieArt Original Film Posters
P.O. Box 4419
Austin TX 78765-4419
512 479 6680  <http://www.movieart.net/>www.movieart.net
mobile 512 589 5112

On Aug 17, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Robert C. Mannheim wrote:

Dear Rick,

I don’t normally answer postings about pending cases for reasons obvious to anyone outside ‘poster-land’ where you seemingly reside; but, unfortunately, reality has to creep into every venue once in awhile to remind its denizens that there are rules of civilized conduct and standards of honesty/integrity that apply – even to dealers and within thisniche of collectables ………….

You wrote, “The topping on the cake seems to be that Mannheim was less than visibly concerned for 4 years until all these balls starting rolling simultaneously !!! Am i missing something here??”

The answer is:  YES you are missing a lot.

I have been a quiet collector of this genre since about 1970 when my first introduction was a solicitation to buy a distributor’s warehouse with approximately 300,000 posters for the then overwhelming price of $10,000 (about 3-cents apiece). Four of us, all college grads just getting started, couldn’t put that money together between us!

I have known Dave Bishop and Ken Schacter since about 1994-1995 and I traveled with Schacter to New York, London and other venues to buy posters. After establishing what I thought was a friendship and business relationship, I made about $500,000 in loans to these partners in 2005; and, later another $750,000 to Schacter, alone, in 2008-2009.

So, when my friend Bishop ran into trouble making repayments in 2007, I didn’t run to court – rather, I granted extension after extension until BOTH stopped paying on loans around July 2009. Even then, I hadn’t discovered that my 2005 loan money had been ill-used to buy ONE METROPOLIS POSTER instead of the promised large collection of sci-fi/horror material that was supposed to include rare 1930’s Universal items.

When I filed the first lawsuit to recover my 2005 loan from Bishop, I was not aware I had been a victim of a fraud. That 2009 lawsuit was simply brought as a breach of his contract – the failure to repay a loan to me. Around July 2009, Schacter decided that my lawsuit against his buddy entitled him to also screw me out of my then $585,000 in outstanding loans. Thus, in October 2009, when all this was first really coming down, I finally ran a Google search – Schacter + Poster – and was shocked to find some 150 articles about a November 2005 purchase of the Metropolis poster – with my October 2005 loan funds. It then became immediately evident why I had not been repaid on my loans to Bishop/Schacter.

Since then, Schacter and his attorneys have pulled every dirty trick – equivalent to the resistance encountered by Ralph Nader when suing Chevrolet for the “unsafe at any speed” Corvair case ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsafe_at_Any_Spe ed) which case later became the subject of a similar movie: “Class Action.” Perhaps this simile will help you understand how [il]legal tactics of delay and concealment slow down justice. Nonetheless, these tactics will not stop the Federal freight train now bearing down on Bishop/Schacter.

Hopefully, with this additional information, you may now understand my situation and why things take so long. The truth is difficult to discover and prove in a court of law when dealing with liars.

From: Richard C Evans <<mailto:evan...@mac.com>evan...@mac.com>
Sent: Friday, 17 August 2012, 9:56
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Mannheim, Metropolis and manipulation


On 17 Aug 2012, at 01:51, Rix Posterz wrote:

Thankfully all of this Mannheim/Schacter drama hasn't yet appeared much on MoPo. Hey, if you're reallu interested, just Google "Mannheim,/Schacter lawsuit" and you'll find all the info you're looking for. I think (I hope) most members of MoPo would hopefully prefer other subjects to be discussed. I hope others agree.

In a message dated 8/16/2012 5:29:42 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, <mailto:five_inch_t...@yahoo.com>five_inch_t...@yahoo.com writes: This stream of evidence that has been filtering through my lens of perception has left some nagging questions...

Hopefully and fitfully someone can indeed answer...there is no pleasure here..just concern

#1..10. On May 20, [2011], at the specific instruction of Grey Smith of Heritage Auctions, Inc. (“Heritage”) wired $125,000 to the Debtor’s (undisclosed) Canadian Bank Account with the Bank of Nova Scotia ending account # 6925 as an advance on the consignment sale. Heritage on the same day also wired $50,000 to the Debtor’s local Chase Account ending in 429. Attached as Exhibit “C” are copies of the correspondence directing the wire transfers and the wire transfers from Heritage.

ME...."If this is indeed true...is this standard practice?"

#2...12. The Heritage Auction #7040 included the sale of the following valuable assets with the included buyer’s premium.

     This Island Earth Insert                     $ 896.25
     Ghost of Frankenstein Insert             $ 7,170.00
     Werewolf of London [insert]             $47,800.00
     Phantom of the Opera [1943 insert]  $ 1,804.45
     Invaders From Mars [1953 1-sheet] $ 1,792.50
19. In reality, however, the Debtor had obtained the unwitting help of (identity upheld), to complete his fraudulent scheme to defeat a secured judgment lien held by Robert C. Mannheim –by transferring $125,000 out of the country and $50,000 to a local bank account – and later the same money and assets were concealed from the bankruptcy estate while Debtor retained ownership of the purportedly sold items. 20. At the Debtor’s specific request, (******) agreed to bid on and purchase several of the Debtor’s most valuable items being sold through the Heritage July 11, 2011 auction; then, Debtor would directly or indirectly pay for these items; and, finally, (*****) would return the items to Debtor.[fn] [fn] The Debtor’s true intent of attempting to conceal assets from Movant, and ultimately from this Court and this Chapter 7 Trustee, by way of orchestrating a false sale, were apparently unknown at the time to (*****) who was only helping a friend. 21. As set out in the email chain between the Debtor and (****) attached as Exhibit “A” to the separately filed Declaration, (****) specifically purchased the following five items for the Debtor, from the Heritage July 22, 2011 Auction. A redacted copy of the invoice from that auction is attached to as Exhibit “B” identifying these items and their purchase price:
     This Island Earth Insert                     $ 896.25
     Ghost of Frankenstein Insert             $ 7,170.00
     Werewolf of London [insert]             $47,800.00
     Phantom of the Opera [1943 insert]  $ 1,804.45
     Invaders From Mars [1953 1-sheet] $ 1,792.50
ME...."All of this seems strange and I highly doubt the exchanges of assets in this matter seemed less than dubious to those involved... MORE ME..."The most unfortunate part is that the claim filed within the State of California implicates that the business it has retained as council to the trustee, is the exact business that allegedly aided in the post-bankruptcy sale that aided in the further implication in law breaking by Ken Schacter...is this a quagmire or is/can this be viewed as accessory???" The topping on the cake seems to be that Mannheim was less than visibly concerned for 4 years until all these balls starting rolling simultaneously !!!
Am i missing something here??
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