As usual, Tom's words come straight from the heart...and express the feelings 
many of us share.

Richard Del Belso
 Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 07:40:32 -0800
Subject: Re: [MOPO] mopo -regard the shooting in CT.

Tom, your eloquence has said it all.  Thanks.  Joe B in NOLA
        From: Tom Martin <>
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 10:53 PM
 Subject: [MOPO] mopo -regard the shooting in CT.

 wow folks..... this hit me so wired today.. I was sitting at my
computer when the news break came on... unlike any recent news event
this hit me so strange... I thought of all you out therewith Kids..
as the innocense of the age of children is so horrific as they were
defenceless and fresh little kids.. I thought of my son and how he
was at that age.. so trusting and so innocent... and i thought of the
parents.. i already was concerned of east coat people that lost homes
but this was over the top.. as the kids suffered... 
so all day ive been so unfocused and ive never cried but teared and
feel like crying but its a feeling that i cant explain as we all sit
on the edge of the financial cliff, the recent election woes, the end
of year uncertainty the recent hurricane, and lifes typical blues..

I had just been spending the last week counting my blessings and
thinking I would heal up and just carry on that even
 though the DEC21
end of world ending was predicted that I felt I would still be here
to celebrat my sons Birthday on the Dec 23 and Christmas///
 so when this happened today and I even saw the President wipe tears
and newscasters   choke up.... and the facebook people liht up with
prayers .. I thought simply as a parent and what that kind of shock
would do to a family as our kids are the most sensitive parts to
life.. and future,,, all I could think was that God must have a plan
and this must be to show us how senseless killing is at any age or
anyplace on earth at any time...for any reason.. but syill I couldnt
answer and i know i am noone to give advice as im in shock also ...
so all I can think is sadness to this event.. I wish everyone peace
and love and comfort from this meaninglless sensless event...I hope
we an all pray for those familys that are suffering today.. God bless
well im at a loss to
 explain why this type stuff happenes except its
a reflection of our worlds state or despair

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