>Diane - well I understand your durt and suffering...after 4 years of
attempting a home loan I had my councilor have a nervous breakdown,
the lender has kept failing to reduce my 8.9 interest and this am at
like 8 in the morning they called and said they didnt get all the
documents... my mind and heart weny numb as they woke me from sleep...
 several years ago.. I had to pay 100,000 chap 13 reorg.. which we
did then my ex wanted a divorce.. I lost my paid off home.. I was
debt free 834 fico.  then bought this house in 2997 113 K and at 8.9
did numerous stupid moves trying to help others and just silly
stuff.. then my health failed and I almost died last march... so I
understand.. I cryed, i yelled at God, i lost faith and was angry I
was ever born at times.... because the Vhristiand people I had
thought would help left, the friends left and my credibility went
down the sinkhole... and all of a sudden what took me 35 years to
build became a laugh..... people ask me what do you do... what have
you done..?  like im a mirage... But Diane.... God didnt leave me..
and true friends didnt leave me... and they wont leave you... Its
when we become broken, and all our security is gone and we have no
where to turn.. that we find out what matters, and we can do things
we never could before..... I kep saying God if you there what is the
deal.. how am I going to do this??? especially healing a foot that
wont coperate.. the pain alone makes me want to take pain pills...
But I know then Ill want more....  so I just say OK foot lets
practice getting better..
So.... the test is when we want to not do what we know are Good
things.. or get bitter when we get treated unfair as we get treated
unfair in all things eventually,, But we also know what Kindness and
Love feel like when we get Grace from people that do very good
things. so Go take old ladys for a walk In spite of all the
injustice...Go feed the hungry that need food but may not really
deserve it because they earned it,,, because when they see and eel
charity they will see that You gave not for reward but because you
had mercy... when I thought of all my gripes and i doevery day... but
then I see that it doesnt matter what others do it matters what I do
as maybe i can help someone in a small way... also... like today.. I
just thought get my documents in order with details and data as if
they are wrong the paper trail does them in if based on lies..
suggestions to you... find some law students that would do a pro bono
case... learn the law yourself.. I bould lawbooks like the attys uses
and became a paralegal to my atty and learned  1000.00 worth or
trademark law books so i could fight fire with fire,, because its law
research that gets pushed back and 4th so my guy had a ADD man who
spent like 4-6 hrs rseaching law as I was obbsessed..
the good news is I read 3000 books on Movie memorabila so I also got
educated on my field.. so it was a blessing... and i was motivated by
adversity... same as now...when you get thrown in the deep end you
learn to swim or your drown.... so cry , have a fit, get depressed...
as thats what peopel tend to do... OR get proactive and love people
more and see that you recieved a Gift.. a Gift to understand what it
feels like to have that kind of pressure and so give even more as the
bad guys only win if the break your dignity and your ability to love
and help old ladys and little Kids... get some advocates to help you
and if you truly have a case..then plead it... If not reach a
settlement as they would like something rather then nothing...
propose a seettlement that could be realistic and im sure they would
consider that,,, otherwise what will they accompolish? God Bless and
hop it works out..
>---- Original Message ----
>From: dianejeff...@roadrunner.com
>Subject: RE: [MOPO] As The Dracula Lawsuit Turns-Final Update
>Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 18:17:34 -0800
>>To All  - 
>>Well, after numerous postponements, numerous letters to the Judge
>and over 3 years in time, today I received a Judgment against me in
>the amount of:
>>$263,312.50, plus attorney fees of $18,134.80.  That is our justice
>system, and in my opinion, not its finest moment!.
>>Thank you to all that tried to help me, and to all the encouraging
>private emails I received about this.
>>Studio C
>>PS - If you see an old lady that appears to need help crossing the
>street, or if you see something in this world that appears to be
>morally not right, DO NOT do anything, I repeat, DO NOT do
>anything!!!!!!! Lesson for today.
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