Welcome to the neighborhood.
Nice start.

--- On Thu, 2/7/13, Stephen Ryan <moviepost...@inbox.com> wrote:

From: Stephen Ryan <moviepost...@inbox.com>
Subject: [MOPO] my 'New Years Resolution'
Date: Thursday, February 7, 2013, 9:16 PM

Hi all,

quick introduction first, Steve Ryan from Indianapolis, IN (area).

For many many years I've sat somewhat quiet on poster forums, starting back on 
MOPO a couple decades ago and haven't been contributing much since. Not really 
sure why - just enjoy hearing about your thoughts/opinions/input/rants on this 
amazing hobby, and career for the lucky few (and yes, you are lucky and you 
should thank the man upstairs every day for being so blessed for being able to 
have a job in this field).  I decided last year to no longer be a passive 
reader and starting in January I would attempt to contribute.  Well that led to 
February, but here I am.

I've never been much of an online blogger/writer. I manage a couple HR 
departments for my day job -by the time I'm done writing/responding to e-mails 
& sitting in meetings all day, I have little to say.   

I love these poster forums. I'm amazed how many can take any 
subject/news/opinion about film paper and turn it into a battle that would make 
a 4-star general proud.   For many, I applaud your commitment to make other 
contributors feel like %$&@ on an ongoing basis. It's a true art and many of 
you deserve gold. That said, the Mexican lobby card pimp deserves it so keep up 
the hate on that guy ;-)      

I remember back years ago not long after MOPO started there was some guy who 
only collected Al Pacino material, some linen backing guy who ended up going 
off the deep end and stealing everyone's posters, and a couple guys who Scott 
would often have to keep in line.  They would always threaten to quit the group 
- I guess they eventually delivered on their promise.   

Like many of you, I have a nonstop need to own more film paper, and like many, 
believe it's in the blood.  I've heard people discuss the collector bug goes 
back to cave man days where our ancestors only survived based on hunting and 
gathering. I can care less, I just know collecting movie memorabilia is value 
added in my life and something I enjoy.        

I'm more of a 'low-profile' collector - other then my annual visit to Cinevent, 
or an occasional auction/show, I don't discuss this hobby/addiction/obsession I 
have with movie paper often.  Friends/neighbors who know of my collection often 
mistake me for someone who loves movies, which I do, but I'm 90% a film paper 
collector, 10% a movie watcher. Never really understood why people think poster 
collectors love to watch movies so much, but they do.  Might be a good thread 
to discuss sometime.  

I'm a big Heritage fan (sorry Geraldine) and get much of my material from the 
weekly and signature auctions.  I prepare months ahead of time preparing for 
their signatures and I'm often one of those guys you look at and wonder why 
someone can overpay for that poster.  I try to keep my collecting in 
perspective and only make sound investments, but sometime you just want 
something and spending an extra few hundred to get it is not necessarily a bad 

My wife doesn't understand how I work all day, then spend a little time each 
night looking at auction sites, scheming and coming up with a strategic plan on 
what and how to go about getting what I want to own next, 
organizing/documenting my collection, or reading these forums.  I can only 
justify by stating we've been married for 15+ years now, I collected before we 
met and dated so she should have known what she was getting into at that time.  

However, in all fairness to my family, I often don't start my 'poster day' 
until 9PM-ish after I'm home from the office, the kids are fed, homework/study, 
snacked,and in bed.  For anyone with young kids, you probably understand the 
kids snack part is their most important time of the day and prolongs bed time 
by 30 minutes or more each night, so my downtime starts late.   I've been doing 
this 6AM boot camp thing for a year now to keep the blood flowing so I'm often 
up at 4:30AM.  My nightly window of poster engagement is therefore short.       

With younger kids, my wife and I don't have many opportunities to catch new 
movies unless they have a "G" somewhere on the screen and have been created in 
some type of animation.  (To put this in perspective, I finally watched "The 
Hunger Games" (DVD) a couple weeks ago.) For anyone who forgets and gets 
clouded by a few good ones, kid movies suck, period.  I'm still pi**ed off 
after seeing 'Furry Vengeance' in 2010 - 90 minutes and $50 of my life I'll 
never get back.  Branden Fraser and Brook Shields should live every day in 
shame for being compensated for this atrocious disaster rendered as 

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and let you know I'll play more of a role as a 
contributor.  You are all great people and I appreciate the many of you who 
understand the nonstop need to own every piece of movie memorabilia that ever 
came off a printer. 

Peace, Steve Ryan

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