this is quite ridiculous , all Greg said was   "  Posterfix (Chris Cloutier) in 
NY also does six-sheets. " 
so you really think Greg is on this forum since  2008  to promote this chris 
cloutier ?? Going even to doubt he is a real person ? Greg Pflugfelder is a 
long time Customer of mine and is indeed a professor  , i guess he's right when 
he sais he might stick to lurking , some here use the wrong bodypart when 
 Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 21:04:48 -0400
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Linen backing: large posters

Thank-you, Neil.  I am vindicated.... but ... you think it's Chris??????  WOW!  
What a hoot!  It's so cool you looked him up.  Greg, I mean.  LOL!!!
Thank-you Greg/Chris for lurking instead.  It's the right thing to do.
On May 8, 2013, at 8:47 PM, Greg Pflugfelder wrote:I will not stoop to comment 
further, except to say that you guys are proving my point. I am a simple 
professor at a respectable school, with no particular axe to grind, and yet it 
took less than 30 minutes for me to be called a "sock-puppet" on MoPo. I will 
remain a "lurker" in the future.

Greg Pflugfelder
Columbia University

Quoting Neil Jaworski <>:

Hi "Greg"

It's perfectly legitimate for Andrea to have detailed her Black Cat  experience 
with Chris Cloutier on MOPO and to have referred to it  when this question of 
linen-backers came up.  I'm sure Chris can  defend himself, should he feel he 
needs defending (and should he  feel he CAN defend himself). 

There's a big difference between "pursuing personal vendettas" and  calling 
people on their appalling non-professional behaviour and  taking the time to 
warn others.  Andrea should be applauded, not  vilified.

As "Greg Pflugfelder" so rarely posts on MOPO, I did a little search  and it 
seems that he only posts in order to defend or promote Chris  Cloutier, which 
he has done on 24th Jan 2008, 27th Oct 2008, 29th  Oct 2008 which were his only 
postings until today.

Cynics might suggest that Greg Pflugfelder is a sad sock-puppet for  Chris 
Cloutier, although i couldn't possibly comment.

Best wishes

Neil J

 From: Greg Pflugfelder <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2013, 1:13
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Linen backing: large posters

Gee, Andrea, if I were you, I wouldn't be talking about reputations on 
MoPo. This is exactly the sort of thing that makes MoPo (sometimes) 
seem like a sort of exclusive club of insiders who use it as an 
instrument to pursue personal vendettas. Very sad.

Greg Pflugfelder
Associate Professor
Columbia University

Quoting Andrea Kanter <>:

NO!  He already has a 'reputation' on MoPo.  From me.

Andrea Kanter

On May 8, 2013, at 11:15 AM, Greg Pflugfelder wrote:

Posterfix (Chris Cloutier) in NY also does six-sheets.

Greg Pflugfelder

Quoting Posteritati <>:


I would heartily recommend Studio C: Diane Jeffrey   
< >


239 Centre Street
New York, NY  10013
212-226-2207/ Fax: 212-226-2102

On May 8, 2013, at 8:42 AM, Info Movie Poster Art Gallery   
< > wrote:

Can anyone recommend a US linen backer who can undertake large   
size posters, specifically 6-sheets and above?

Very out of the loop on current US restoration studios, so any   
suggestions gratefully received.


Tim Maddison
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