If people feel the need to talk there are all kinds of options out there
called social media.  This list works well as is for what it is, and I for
one see no reason to change it. 


I have bought countless number of items from the for sale lists,  have sold
to the wanted posts and finally; gotten a few minutes of entertainment from
the complainer posts.


I don't post for sale on here just because I don't really feel the audience
would be interested in the items I have to offer.


I am by no means offended or feel stepped on by the folks that fire out for
sale listings everyday, I like getting them actually, and Scott hit the nail
no the head, learn to use a mail filter.


Information gathering in general has evolved, you can usually find an answer
to something with a 5 second google search so there is less need to query
others with much short of a  stumper.


Finally, we are movie poster collectors not a movie poster philosophers, the
bottom line at the end of the day comes to procuring or removing items from
the collection.





From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2014 11:02 AM
Subject: [MOPO] Dealer Posts on MoPo


This is a little long, so my apologies in advance.


One point to make here about many of the dealers who post to MoPo is that
they are abiding by the long-standing request to add "FA" or "FS" to their
subject line. (One Mexican lobby card dealer does not add "FA" or "FS" to
his posts, but you can't miss his unique subject lines if you're trying to
avoid his ads.) If you're a dealer posting to MoPo and not adding "FA" or
"FS" to your subject lines, I would appreciate your doing that going


Depending on how you read your e-mail, it is possible in some programs to
sort messages based on subject line and send them directly to the folder of
your choice, be it the recycle bin should you so desire. MS Outlook has this
feature. I'm not familiar with other e-mail programs, but I have to assume
such a feature is not exclusive to Outlook. Of course if you get MoPo in
digest form, you can't do this.


While I understand the argument that a movie poster discussion group is
hindered by an overload of "FA" or" FS" posts, the business of collecting
means we have to buy and sell to grow (or liquidate) our collections.  It is
a necessary part of the hobby. Eliminating such posts from MoPo will not
spark an explosion of movie poster discussion. Trust me on this. The real
problem here is not the dealer posts, but the ability of MoPo members to
effectively MANAGE their e-mail. 


However, if the membership thinks this needs addressed we can ask that
dealers to limit themselves to 1 commercial post per day. Thoughts??
Dealers can "talk their fingers off" if they want to send non-biz related
posts and share their wealth of knowledge with all of us! J


The lament that MoPo has no meaningful public discussions going on has come
up many times since the group started in 1995. If I had the time I'd try to
chart the "cycle" of MoPo complaints over the years.that would be
interesting! The group has mellowed considerably from the early days
(remember the Donnie/Style B revolt? Or  the controversial posts of the late
Susan Olsen? Who could forget the Susan vs JR battle in 2006?). MoPo has
matured into the quiet forum it is today. Everything changes and evolves
over time (i.e. the Oscars anyone?) After all MoPo is now moving towards 20
years of service and is the oldest poster forum on the Internet. As I said
in my Feb. 24th post on our 19th birthday.."But will be make it to 20?
Should we?" 


Maybe we ARE all talked out!



MoPo List Owner  







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