Hi Zeev and brother and sister mopolians...Zeev asked me to comment on my
impressions of Cinevent this year..I had not been there for a number of
years I thought it would be nice to meet some old friends and on that note
was sorry that Zeev, the Searle brothersand Sean Linkenback would not be in
attendance.I also wanted to experience what it's like to be a seller at
Cinevent ie whats life like on the other side of the table. I only sold at
one other show back in the day when Mo Everett had a show in NY.which had a
small turnout. so i purchased a table and drove from NY with my son to
Columbus. I would take this opportunity to extol his praises cause he knew
i wouldnt go alone and though his interest is modest at best he gave up
some of his vacation time to do a father and son road trip. so i through a
few posters and lobby cards together and off we went.The hotel as always is
in a veritable state of ruin. more so than usual as they are remodelling.
One fellow told me when he turned on his water his sink fell out of the
wall..welcome to the ramada..a few cars were broken into in the parking
lot..etc. I realized i would not have much time to watch movies but I liked
what I saw everyone liked the film Double Door which was on the cover of
the Cinevent program. The number of people attending Cinevent seemed the
same to me as i had seen in the past. Mo mentioned his auction did very
well. As to my experience as a seller..I didn't expect to sell much and i
didn't but what was great was the people stopping by the table..I had never
met Ron Borst..I had purchased a thief of bagdad 1/2 sheet many years ago I
noticed it had a stamp on the back from the collection of Ron Borst..I
didn't know who he was or anything about Graven Images when i bought it..It
was great meeting him..we chatted and he commented that he wished he hadn't
sold that poster..Next to me was a seller named Eduardo I don't know his
last name..Sure you guys do..He was selling mostly stills..i don't collect
stills and was curious about them ..I asked him if he would give me a quick
tutorial and he did and i learned much.My table was close to the Sallys and
i had a nice talk with Steph Sr. Ritchie Helegua was his normal
rambunctious self. One other notable was a  fellow named Cary Black he
showed me a binder of his film noir collection ..outstanding with some very
rare pieces..there were a few younger people and kids with their parents in
attendance as well..I left early Sunday morning  and promptly got a
speeding ticket 65mph in a 55mph work zone on a holiday weekend(work zone
consisted of a few cinder type blocks and a tractor...thank you Ohio..all
in all i had a good time..don't know if I would go back again as a
seller..rather just enjoy the movies and perusing the tables

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