If you somehow don't know (and regularly visit) our* Auction History
Database <http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/archive.html>* at
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/archive.html> then you need to go one
time, because you will quickly join the tens of thousands of others who go
there *ALL *the time! It is 100% free, and you don't have to register to
see the images or sales results, and it is completely "sort-able" and
"search-able" in every way!

We have just added our *ONE MILLIONTH *record! This doesn't mean one
million auctions, because the database contains all the images from our 43
books, the *Hershenson/Allen Archive*
plus the fixed priced items from our website and our 1990s sales lists, but
it does contain around 921,000 actual auction results. Unlike other
databases, *EVERY *single result is an actual result, where the consignor
of that poster was paid for it, in cash. No sales that "fell through", were
canceled, prices that were "re-negotiated", etc, etc, (we collect on 99% of
our auctions, and on the few where we don't, those results are dropped from
the database and the item is re-auctioned and entered after the new sale is
paid for).

And because we have auctioned so many items (many times more than *ANY *other
movie paper auction, by a *VERY *wide margin), you can do what so many
dealers and potential buyers do, which is to use it to get a good sense of
what you might buy or sell each poster for. On lots and lots of specific
posters we have auctioned them ten or twenty or more times, so you can see
the "range" that item has sold for over a *LOT *of sales. And on those
titles where we have only sold them one or two times (or none at all, on an
ever-shrinking number of items) then you can know for sure that is a very
rare item, and incorporate that info into your pricing decision. None of
these prices are "guessed at", as they are in any "price guide"! They are
actual prices paid, and the result of two bidders bidding against each
other, not one bidder against a "reserve".

"Only" 915,000+ of the the one million records have images of the items.
Why? Because the vast majority of the missing images are from auctions from
1999 to 2003. At that time we did not have a perfect method of assigning
specific names to images, so while we *DO *have those images, it can be
difficult to assign the right image to the right auction. On some of them
we *CAN *determine which belongs to which auction, and on others we can
only make a very educated guess, so we are in the process of adding those
images back in, and on the ones where we are not 100% sure the images are
correct, we add "this may be a stock image" to that image.

As you might imagine, this is a massive project, but we began it some
months ago, when we had around 120,000 "missing" images, and we have added
back in around 35,000 of them, and we have 85,000 to go, and we will
continue to work at it (in our "spare" time) until finally *EVERY *one of
the million records has its image attached! Remember that these are solely
images from before 2004. Every record from that point on has the image of
the actual item that was auctioned in that auction (because we *NEVER *use
"stock" images on our auctions)!

At some point in the future we may add a "Pay" section to this massive
database, but until that time, this *Auction History Database
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/archive.html>* at
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/archive.html> is completely free, so
be sure to bookmark it and visit whenever you want to see an image (or know
an item's value), but be aware that it can be very addicting, and you may
find yourself spending lots of time there!

Bruce Hershenson and the other 29 members of the eMoviePoster.com team
P.O. Box 874
West Plains, MO 65775
Phone: 417-256-9616 (hours: Mon-Fri 9 to 5 except from 12 to 1 when we take
our site <http://www.emovieposter.com/>
our auctions <http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html>

   * Complete Buyer Protection
- *No time limit on our guarantees & *NO* buyer beware
* Hershenson Help Hotline
- *Direct line to Bruce (our owner!) for urgent problems
Also, please read the following three pages of in-depth* Customer Reviews *of
our company * - Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
which shows you in our customers' own words exactly what makes our company
and our auctions so very different from all others!

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