At 06:23 PM 9/23/2014, Tom Martin wrote:
 congrats on your new revelations and choice to get rid of stuff...
Its taken you what like 50 years to accumulate this stuff and I bet you have soe awesome stuff... the next par is really fun , not stressfull at all as you get to let others enjoy it that are the new stewards.. also you will see things all over again that you haven in probably 20 30 years like I have,,, its really cool.. but a bit overwhelming as yes its not like when we where kids.. and funny part is there is always more stuff.. whats amazed me is how in just a few years many of my items have risen in value and many have no interest at all... But it gets rediscovered..just that I think many peopel dont want space tied up so they are picky.. and as we age we dont want to sit aat typwriters all day and soon taking it easy sounds pretty good also.. so Im doing all,,, slow down and have some fun... its like being Santa claus when someone really wants a certain piece and you can have it.. a few items have made me re-learn prices and some technical data but its all good.. some collectors dont see value and some do.. basically no one really knows thats why auctions are so popular...but sometimes the peopel set the price and so they can surprise us...I plan to do a bit of both.. sell to dealers, sell to epeopel, sell by auction, trade .. you name it//..hopefully I can make some other happy, pay some bills and expences and make a profit..its been educational and uplifting to hear from collectors and dealers thanks everyone!! best of luck Rich I think the Courts show will re introduce you to Peopel and the interestes of many and it seems you have enough invenory to last awhile..60 eh?? I just turned 58 so I know exactly how you feel.but consider many of the actors we sell stuff on are now in 70s so we are not allthat bad. God bless and Good luck on all your ventures

thanks Tom, but it's just a redirection/course correction thingy.
like weeds, the boxes in my warehouse have grown and grown.
I need to get back there with a weed whacker and compost the detritus into food for the Money Tree, which is the only organism I know that grows from work, not water

: - O

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