At 04:43 PM 11/25/2014, David Kusumoto wrote:
Twenty years ago, I would have said that she will always be considered a mainstream Hollywood legend, but today she feels like a cult star in a cult film who will never top Audrey Hepburn nor Marilyn Monroe in terms of popularity.

totally correct and not just about Rita
consider that most people today know Clark Gable by one movie - GWTW. a subset knows him for IHON. beyond that - very little

but that follows for most of these older stars.
Karloff is Frankenstein, Lugosi is Dracula, Errol Flynn is a swashbuckler. To make it worse, Joan Crawford and Bette Davis are probably more well know for the film they did together more than even their Oscar winning performances.

face it.. we're dinosaurs.. almost extinct

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