that's not what I said Tom.

At 05:15 PM 11/27/2014, Tom Martin wrote:
so... I receieved a off the grid email from Rich. he said my emails tend to hijack others as i responded whenthey asked for a item to the group.. so ill stop as it appears my items are not what the group needs..and so unless you contact me youll never know what I have... and . it seems to me its Time for me to leave the group.. because I see i dont fit in here and seem to have opposing ideas then most...I have argued about the minty whites as far back as the 90s and reproductions and honestly cannot relate to posters selling for over 1000 because I got into the business to serve all people of all income..although Ive also sold to every movie studio on the planet so I made some money
maybe by accident I think because people assumed that was the answer..
well my prioritys are changing I know find it better to help others the to sell stuff .. have no idea how ill do it but if its meant to happen
it will.. I personally believe the world and planet is out of balance
I dont have a clue whats next but somthings isnt right.
the oher day I stopped repping a clien after he did something that made me see what and whoI want to be,,, I had jus got him in a musem andmy neighbor who had a breast removed was ill in the hospial with infection.. her mother wanted to visit and she asked me to take her.. I did.. when I saw the man later and told him what I had done he looked with discust and said maybe they should write you a check... in other words he didnt care and see any purpose of me helping... I looked him straight in e eye and said we are done !! and I will never rep him for any amount of money as those people where worth more to me.not because they are rich as they are not and not for anything other then they where genuine kind people ,, he was rich,, and had owned a huge company and thought money allowed him to treat people with low regard..well..maybe Ill die broke..but if people lke that are sucess I want to be the bigest failier in the world.. ..Out of respect for all people on MOPO I will unsubscribe myself I also may do same on facebook as I really need to change directions on many things..if anyone needs to talk call me. its that simple 419-474-3065/// best of luck to everone God bless
n 2014-11-27 19:13, wrote:
It's just my experience that people who collect originals have near
zero interest in repros.
And for irreversible processes like laminating or near irreversible
like dry-mounting, similar level of appeal.
It's not snobbery, I really couldn't care less what floats someone's
boat, within reason.
Sent from my iPhone

On 28 Nov 2014, at 00:04, Tom Martin <> wrote: Ok good Richard thats a opinion...could you explain how that opinion was formed?? and how that kind of view was ever obtained? who are the founders of collecting movie posters? what dates and places did these people set the standards of collecting movie posters>? I would like to know as in my 38 years of buying and selling no one has told me how it became written in stone. who would be the top collectors in the world and are they movie motion picture fans of the medium or simply investors. If they are die hard collectors and fans whats there background in Motion pictures and how did they obtain millions of dollars to buy them? Does the 77 year old former Usa Marine have less of a love for the universal pictures monsters because he bought some not all reproductions between the 1960s and 1990s...I dont think so matter of fact he showed me a lifetime collecion and although Morrie has a epic collection this mans colletion was just as impressive to me.. not becuse it contained so many rare obsessive items but the passion he had was the same as any movie lover from the 1800s on see money cost doesnt get you in the club...the childlike wonder and passion and desire to share it gets you your wings IMHO thas what the inventors, the filmammkers, actors, camermen and technition and all that love the art medium share.. only a few feel conquests of selling or buying a inanimate object are the relics of moviedome these are not the same although if they have any sense they would share these images with others as John Kisch dos with Black cinema art.. as that gives the collection a educational Purpose.. Because I have to tell you the man I met has more integrity in one finger then probably 75% of most money grubing so called dealers on mopo.. as it was not about the money for him... it was about the motion pictures and the overall experience as he attended movie collector shows and saw many thins in person,, he went to lon chaneys grave he met many old stars...and he watched countless films , built monster models and saved the collection for some 40years + and you discount people like that? let me tell you its people like that that supported the movies while you where not even thought of by your mommy and daddy !! and dont you ever forget it,, they are the benchmark of why Hollywood even made these things when Posters where meant to just stimulate people to buy a 15 cent ticket...not get caught up in all this nonsense of selling it... heck Burt lahr probably didnt get paid anywhere near 3 mill maybe like 30,000 to do the damn Movie,,isnt that whats worth something? not a flea infested suit that MGM had in the trash that a junk dealer found. supposedly., so to insult repro's is to insult what hollywood is... its all fantasy and illusions and whether repros or video or anything it all is important in showing the history of films..otherwise why is a " London after midnight important when people have not even seen it except excerpts.? and some Guy just posted a argintine poser of the same art that worth 500k? if not why not and why was it not mentioned as being around? same art different lettering is all..." smoke and Mirrors" its nonsense.thank God 90% of the world agrees with me..or they would all be buying this foolishness.Ive tryed to appeal to people as many people are left in the dark about collecting.. it seems like the ones that know are liquidating and taking the money and running.I am very happy to sell a collector a affordable poster that wont cause them financial hardship or be impossible to sell once they get it and times get soft... I am always open to hearing why people get there views but I has of yet not heard one reason why reproductions are a bad thing if a person loves the art and movie and wants some eye candy or to give a gift or to show others the art of film.. just as a book contains images of posters a actual full sized reproduction is much more visual and pronounced. thank YOU
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