Maybe Cinevent can be replaced with a MoPo event, where a bunch of us meet
informally in a given city on a given weekend every year. Instead of a
full-on convention, people just hang out together. All it would take (and
I'm not pretending this would be easy, but it would be easier than
organizing a full convention), is picking the place and the dates and
booking a block of hotel rooms. Any wheeling and dealing can be done in the
rooms. Socializing can be done in nearby bars and restaurants. I think
Chicago is a great choice because it's central for everybody. Vegas would be
good, too (I still haven't been there). But I'd vote for any major city with
decent nightlife.





From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of allen day
Sent: February-26-15 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Will Cinevent take place this year?


Hi Zeev et al,


I can think of several reasons why I could not organize a show:


1. I do not know the 1st (or 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc..) thing regarding

2. I have a 5 year old daughter who states that I never play with her (after
coming home from kicking the soccer ball ball around in the park for 2

3. My wife really enjoys spending $ on our little girl, which means I need
to work a lot to keep the wife-a-roni happy (happy wife, happy life)

4. I have a full time job in health care, in which I could work a 14 hour
day every day of the week (and have done 2x this year so far, see #3 above).


Seriously, though ... 


When I read that several locations were being 'tossed around' ... I
naturally wanted any new location to be closer to where I live, so I
facetiously suggested Charlotte. I know that the only way anything (and I
mean anything) can live / progress / improve ... is for a constant flow of
new blood ... Charlotte is one of the fastest growing areas in the US, a
nice climate (but not in the summer), lots of $ ... #1 (or 2) in US banking,
pro football, AAA baseball (both stadiums downtown). That being said, there
are no heavy hitters in posters that could pull it off (that I am aware of).
Alas, the state of NC ended tax breaks for the movie industry this year.


If there is to be a convention in a new location, it would take $$$, time,
effort to 'do it right'. Skills in marketing, planning, communication,
events, even throw in a super sweet auction. I know of 2 entities that would
be able to pull it off professionally without a hitch ... emovieposter
(Bruce) and Heritage (Grey). Those 2 guys command respect, and 1000s of
people listen.




p.s. I'll still buy the 1st round if I ever make it to a convention.



On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 9:40 PM, Zeev Drach <> wrote:

Allen, why don't you organize such a show?






From: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] On Behalf Of allen day
Sent: February-25-15 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Will Cinevent take place this year?


I'm still thinking Charlotte, NC.


Lots of $$ in that town, lots of young'uns (read: new blood), one of the
fastest growing areas, and it just happens to be a 1/2 hour away from where
I live.


I'll even throw a bone ... first round is on me.




On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 9:09 PM, David Kusumoto <>

Cleveland and Chicago are natural choices.  Cleveland is obvious, Chicago
not so obvious.  Crazily enough, one of the better kept secrets is the Hyatt
Regency O'Hare.  Flight crews stay there; rooms are moderately priced and
clean and it's cheap to host events - as every industry, from largest to
wildest to tiniest, hosts something there each year.  Free shuttle to and
from the airport - and the hotel is a short walk to the Metro that takes you
downtown in 30 minutes for $5.  NO car rental required.  Hyatt is a pricey
name, but it's the cheapest property in greater Chicago because it's near
the airport in Rosemont and deep in the Chicago suburbs. -d.


Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 19:21:26 -0600
Subject: Re: Will Cinevent take place this year?

Well, you know, somewhere you can fly to.



On Feb 25, 2015, at 7:16 PM, Adrian Cowdry
<> wrote:


>From all that I have heard it would be better if Morrie took over the event
and held it in Cleveland - it is central - start putting Cinevent in extreme
parts of the US - East or est coast or north or south then you stand to lose
some of the dealers. Columbus was not ideal but it was central - Cleveland
is Morrie territory and it is central. Or will Cinevent become part of



This Never Happened to the Other Fella....

Adrian Cowdry



-----Original Message-----
From: Brek Anderson <>
Sent: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 1:13
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Will Cinevent take place this year?

Hope this is not the end of Cinevent. I think Vegas would be a great place
and we all could stay at Rich's. Brek



From: "walter reuben" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 4:21:55 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] Will Cinevent take place this year?




On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Richard Halegua Posters + Comic Art
<> wrote:

dammit.. the Ramada is finished and will probably not reopen (ever) due to
water damage.


from trip advisor:


To summarize: no heat in lobby, no cable all weekend, some showers only had
scalding hot water, some showers only had ice cold water, mold in rooms,
dressers hadn't been dusted ever, never got extra towels, no cups in rooms,
no refrigerator, ice makers didn't work on any floor, phone didn't work so
couldn't call front desk, pool half full, hot tub was roped off with a power
line hanging above it, dead bat in stairwell and to top it
alarms went off at 7 am Sunday due to pipes bursting on the 5th floor due to
no heat up there. Water gushing out of the elevators, down stairways,
flooding rooms & hallways and making at least 2 inches of ice at the exit
door. Checking out was insane and the poor girl at the front desk had to
deal with dozens of irate management to be found. We had
over $ 4,000 worth of rooms that all refused to pay for. 


so the question is at this late date will Steve Haynes be able to find a
suitable location in time and will it necessarily increase costs to attend


I know the end of this hotel will please some.. but will you be as pleased
if no replacement can be found?




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