This is early in the process, but I am compiling a very large package of
material for potential sale to one buyer.  I am not getting out of the
business, but am currently in a 3000' building and would like to downsize
to a smaller building.  Working alone I just have not been able to get to
some of this material for several years, and don't see it happening any
time soon.  This will have material from just about every era up to
current.  I have been buying new titles in small volumes for over 25 years,
that will be a part of the deal.  There will be 80s, 90s, 2000s with rolls
comprising of 1-5 titles that I have not even been through (bought these a
few years ago from another dealer).  As I keep going through material I
keep adding in foreign, pressbooks, folded posters from 50s, 60s, 70s,
etc., will also be putting in billboard posters, banners, bus shelters,
Mexincan lobbies, U.S. lobbies, books, and linen backed posters, etc. There
are no Frankenstein's in it, but lots of $10-$100 posters, and some beyond
that.  I am not just trying to unload my junk, I am putting together a
package that I would purchase myself.

As with all lots the buyer will be getting some poor titles, decent titles,
and some great titles, but it will not be a package of material that others
have cherry picked, when I set it as a lot it will sell as a package if at
all possible.

Not sure how I am going to proceed with marketing, have mentioned it to a
few past customers (buying new wall posters, not really collectors), and a
couple have shown interest in looking when the time comes.  I think it
would be a great avenue for someone wanting to have a mail order business,
part or full time, etc.

I think I will also offer to show a potential buyer the ropes, i.e. the
basics of what I know.

I am located in East Texas, 120 miles East of Dallas and 90 miles West of
Shreveport, LA. At the very least it is a large rental truck load, probably

If anyone would like to touch base with me please do so, I would like to
offer to interested parties to inspect on a basis in order of contact with
me.  Thanks, Tony

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