I’m not sure if the term gazumping travels well but it basically means that
someone agrees a sale and then backs out because a better offer is received.
I suspect I have been gazumped on ebay. 


I was the highest bidder on a lovely original Monroe photo and paid the
£100+ straightaway. Three days after winning and paying I received a refund,
an order cancellation and an odd message from the seller  saying that the
item couldn’t be found. It had mysteriously gone missing along with a box
full of other “stuff”.


I strongly suspect that someone else made a higher offer (some Monroe photos
go for crazy money like $1,500+), either because they forgot to bid or
because they saw it while trawling through completed items. I have written
to sellers a few times because of just those reasons, but I always say that
the seller should only revert to me if the buyer doesn’t pay or if a paying
buyer would be interested in re-selling (with original seller and buyer each
taking a cut of the instant “profit”).


I have expressed my deep disappointment to the seller but have stopped short
of making any direct accusations as yet. She now tells me that she suspects
a break-in and also that many other sales had to be cancelled. I ask myself
whether a burglar really would want a box of 10” x 8”s but that’s neither
here nor there.


I have spent considerable amounts with this seller in the recent and more
distant past and have helped her as a highest under-bidder many times. It is
likely that she will have more “good stuff” that I would otherwise have
liked to buy in the future.


I am thinking of asking ebay to intervene. They could check for other
cancelled sales or even check for counter offers in the seller’s message


After that long introduction my questions are brief:


1.       Has this kind of thing happened to other members? If so, what did
they do and were ebay useful?

2.       In this particular case (with a known seller and potential future
business) how would other members take this forward, if at all.


I am torn between feeling indignant and “wanting my rights” on the one hand
and feeling like a “moaning Minnie” and wanting to keep the peace on the
other. In the overall scheme of things I know we are not talking life or
death but I still don’t like people taking liberties with me.


Any thoughts?




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