Can't believe it's been more than five (5) years since I posted this, but it 
feels like yesterday.  Instead of shipping flat, she shipped it rolled.  So OK, 
she sends it rolled, but her idea of "protective tubing" was white construction 
paper.  Results below.  Veteran restorer Carol Tincup (who hates me now, long 
story, join the club) - saved it for me; I later sold it. -d.

Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 05:10:57 +0000
Subject: Re: Worst packaging ever

I love your description Freeman. I cried with laughter.

        From: Freeman Fisher <>
 To: Toochis Morin <> 
 Sent: Friday, October 9, 2015 9:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [MOPO] Worst packaging ever
Since we’re on the always hilarious subject of bone headed, knuckle-dragging,  
incompetents of shipping great paper,  my worst experience was purchasing a 
rare THE WOMEN half-sheet from a guy in South Carolina  shipping to me in LA.   
After my asking him to remove from the frame prior to shipping,  he shipped in 
a single-ply,  already used box with no packing except one panel ONE PANEL of 
bubble wrap just laid on top which barely covered half the frame.  My guess is 
the glass shattered somewhere between his postoffice and the closest Guns for 
Christ Warehouse  whereupon shards of glass continued to scratch the surface 
image of the gals  from East to West Coast  where on arrival it looked like an 
Etch-A-Sketch of squiggles composed by a 7 year old on a liter of Mountain Dew. 
  I tried to have someone burn down his house trailer but evidently it was 
considered a State Landmark.  freemanOn Oct 9, 2015, at 9:04 PM, Toochis Morin 
<> wrote:What an a-hole.        From: Scott Thienes 
<> To: MoPo-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU  Sent: Friday, 
October 9, 2015 8:41 PM Subject: [MOPO] Worst packaging ever   I received my 
'60 Psycho one sheet in the mail today. The sender used a bubble envelope and 
simply slid the poster into it. No cardboard, no plastic bag, nothing. Didn't  
even write fragile on the envelope. He just folded up the poster and stuck it 
in an envelope.Luckily it arrived un-damaged.Sent from my iPhone
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