Congrats! Thank you for spreading the love of movie paper. 


Sent from my iPhone 

> On Apr 4, 2016, at 3:00 PM, David <> wrote:
> Thanks Sue & others who have generously sent public and private 
> congratulations.
> Of course two years is nothing when compared to the 21years of that Grand Old 
> Dame that is MoPo, great characters, so many stories and so much knowledge. I 
> appreciate being a member here as much as I enjoy being a part of the young 
> whipper snapper that is we'll be happy 
> if we get to 3!
> MoPo's format of the listserv whilst somewhat old is still an absolutely 
> wonderful way to interact easily, more so now with the advent of emails to 
> the smart phone - being old, and old school I do enjoy this format too, 
> somewhat laid back for these old bones! ;) 
> Over at our place we've not ignored the old but we have embraced the new as 
> we also do attract the younger more, shall we say, 'hip' crowd to the 
> hobby/forum. Our forum website design is responsive (can be viewed on a 
> smartphone, tablet etc), plus we've provided an easy and very automated 
> process for signing up (important for the young 'want it now' generation) and 
> also we are very aware of the social-media side so maintain a presence on 
> Facebook and have gained a strong following there 
> (
> All in all, not bad for three guys who simply make it up as they go along!
> Matt, Charlie & David
> Susan wrote on 4/04/2016 11:03 AM:
>> Congratulation guys on the 2 year anniversary...the site always looks so 
>> nice....and nice offerings.
>> Sue
>> Hollywood Poster Frames
>> > Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 10:20:41 +1000
>> > From:
>> > Subject: [MOPO] They said it wouldn't last
>> > 
>> > Two years old, a mere babe in the vintage poster woods.
>> > 
>> > To celebrate we've done a newsletter and, if you think you know your 
>> > movies, then we've got a kick-ass crossword for you to try to solve and 
>> > then fail miserably at.
>> > 
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Charlie, David & Matt
>> > 
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