hello folks..
im all pumped as i got this dvd thatwas really cool by woody wise..a 80 year old collector in Hollywood..who ran theaters andhis friends that come to his house on sat morn towatch movies..are the kind of people i love in meomorabilia..

these guys are the real deal...they are initas they loved films and still do..andwoody looks lke he has about every book made on Hollywood..the other guys inthe film are former animators at hanna Barbera, a old rock musician, and even some nonindustry peple ..kinda like mopo...

so it proved my point..the collecting part i col but the passion part is even better... Wdyran projectors andtheaters onthe eat coast and has sevela pages on facebook..ive been onthem years and didnt even know until he emailed me..he just turned 80 on sun...im thinking man life is so short aas hee we are 20years apart andi just met him...whatamazes me arethese older collectors they have such a wealth of experience, knowledge, and here i am i know very little..it just notsem fair....thenther is theanimatorwho lost use of his right hand,,from Parkinsons...and so he learned to draw left handed...itwas like these popcorn brothes ,,made this film to inspire guys like me...!!!so i ask you to go buya copy and se yourself what i have been talking about all these years of what collecting should be about...as it is a brotherhood...and they only allow 10 people to be in the group asits a small house...and how they get new members is whe someone dies...its a very touching documentary

there is so much eyey candy inthe film youwill be in awe ofjust the location,,giant 6 sheets and woody likes serials socharlie chan,westerns,,,you name it...but to see the guys interact is like everyone you ever met on mope, cinevent and hollywood show all meeting up..and the biggest thrill for me was the comradery of these gentlemena andone guys warehouse looks like my old place stuffed with all kinds ofstuffand he hadd the same feelings i do..as it comes in and we get addicted and in love with the stuff..but the stuff is many times noteven liked by the future generations....somany focus onthe saleability.....andwhatcommands high prices..i never did i just liked the films and stuff because i would say buy if yu loveit incase you get stuck with it...as if its worthless..ou are still happy to have it...how many of us bought quanity andstill are being drowned in it??? i tell my son,,im notconcerend what itwill be worth 40years from ow..im 61 id be 100...so i am happy to see it gone now so others can share inthe delight ofholding a old memorabilia peice,,i get more joy from getting it toa uture owner then i do the money part..but it helps wheni can fund my overhead and abilty to give awa stuff by making a few bux..now and then...s orderwoodys dvd you will havea fun time and get some popcorn and hang with the brotherhood of popcorn guys..they area coool bunch..
btw im just passing this on....Ill offer stuff forsale in my next post..

I just was so thrilled with this dvd i had to say something..

here is the link you can get on amazon...would be a perfect show on PBS where they show retro stuff...



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