Winner of the most titles i have never seen ,heardof or had in my life!!!!...OMG////im rady tofling myself into a yazoo tube amdroll into a abyss.... I get more answers and guesses on Steve harveys family fued..thenthese titles !!!

however does anyone havea copy of 100clowns 1965  Jason Robards ...
as i willpay cah,trade,cashandtrade..or cash trade and credit fr future orany comboe...or giveyoua peachy keeen Official Hollywood Dream Factory® directors ball cap.......whic aloe is said to be worth ..well ..pricelesss......

I just sold Dirth Harr one sheet and also a beatles promo still anda ghostbusters i am stoeked////

andwill do more sales as soon as i clear up these bootleggers...that have cause me muchanquish inrecent months....

all I can say is the FBI hads called me , us attorney...i gota emailfromDisney saying they saw my email but cant say they saw that one...LOL and there has been a silence that i cant explain..butat sametimeI can feel wheeels turning ,myson thinks im delusional...andyet anyonewho believes thinks i may berightonttarget.......all i can says is LOveis God andgod is love..andworks inus all....forsomeultimate cosmic purpose.... that i cant explaiin ina mope post..but its he most beautiful thing ive everwitnessedandi dont deserveany help..

Ira rubensteintold meyears back wheni surenfered theOscar to academy...welltomit may not seem itmatters now but itwillinthe big picture....!!! well Martin Holmes was my atty for that deal..andi asked Martin to help.....hes nota patentatty but knew many..andhe know me...fromtheoscar deal..also my son saidat thetime well dad they ust wanttoprotect the trademark oftheamapas...i agreed andtook a greta loss i thought money wise. but showed mypeers that i wanted todotheright thing...BO igerandtom Hanks are chairman ofthe new museum...I suggested toTdd fisher..debbie reynold son I donate my nameHollywood dream factory ® to the museum andhis mom and sis benamed Debbie Reynolds and carrie fishers Hollywood dream Factory† toprotect my 42 years wheo ofwork fromInfringers who are tryngtocancel my nameinthepatentoffice sayingi no longersell movie memorabilia.....andhavecaused memuchloss oftimeto answer allegations...andmeanwhilethey dilyuted my mark by claimintheyare dream factory..thepatentoffice refec sed why shoudl i havetoansweranthing???I just paid 1000in2017 showing itwas inuse and a website,taxes,phone..po box....andas you know i always offer stuffon ebay and facebook and even mopeo..justas i hav 42 years..I have just had a divorce in2000, andgot diabetes,,almost died ofsepis,heart..eyes, anddeaf andalmos losta foot,,,,but because of Gods will still here...sountil hesays its ver im goingto keep tryingtodo good stufand help others..I stillhopeto d a book for kids..andi recorded a song thatshould be done that about the shootings inFlorida andjohn lennon in1980 andpolitics called armegedddon.....evenwith a deaf ear !!!!imagine that...its nota dancetune,,,LOL..

what else...ive learned that love is stronger then Hare....andyou ask anyone thats survived holocost, slavery, anyadversity andthey willsay lketheold jazz pienist i knew..eddie abrahm who live withart tatums neice...i said what did youlearn????he was a purple heartin ww2 a boxer indetroit played withlionel Hampton...he said Love love and hate hate!!
to all mopo it brings tears but of joy not sorrow...

wish mercy onallthe haters onall sides as we areall bothers and sisters..MLK, kennedy,allthepeacmakers all havethe samedream... in my case all my friends andfamily sure somecan be opposites...dems and repubs..butwhenyou break it all down...we all want Love .shelter,food.happiness. and most want peace...

movies motivate people to peace andlove ifused wisly

On 2019-02-16 10:45, Posteritati wrote:
We are looking for these;

Barefoot in the Park 3 sheet [1]
Honeydrippers one sheet [2]
Picnic at Hanging Rock Aussie one sheet [3]


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