I’m starting to read your posts like Ferlingetti poetry -
Maybe you have a new calling as our Mopo-et Laureate.


> On Jan 10, 2021, at 4:42 PM, dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com wrote:
> went shopping at Kroger's today
> it was odd..I could notice faces well or colors skin or even male female just 
> the voices.
> but I could like feel the souls..
> likeness who seems like Cam too busy to help whined ask where items were
> but most were very empathetic
> and helped me find things..or told me its isle 27 etc..
> one said its the file with the fireman..as they had jackets  that said Toledo 
>  Fire dept
> but I could notice thematic distance..LOL
> anyways also I was shocked at how woman seems like there personality were 
> kinder in some///one when went toes my debit
> the machine sounded like it rejected it so I said OK I need toes management 
> as I knew iputinthe pin exactly I used a magnifier..andswrote it on a card in 
> my wallet..last time froze my card as the cashier said invalid PIN number 
> after 4 toys they freeze the act
> well I wanted to buy microwave forms son as a late Christmas birthday gift 
> and get 40 cash off the debit card
> so after I got fired up she said it went through...so I got the moneyed the 
> microwave..and my Food...
> the cabbie helped meet it to the door..
> so mission success./
> I bought lotto tickets and gave to neighbors.tehcabn. company and mailed my 
> son a few..buton news it said no winners/////soits up to 550 million..
> my dream was to win and help all the charity,andnon profits that help 
> thepoorand disabled well all people as I know they all need help..
> Im ok as iliveon my ss disability it pays my house payment and utilities.and 
> I get a break on taxes and food help...Ive learned to use less..of heat 
> electric.water..and just wait on God...
> its like being Robinson Curuso but I feel the angels around me
> if God is opium of the masses I'm good with it as stress..and fear and worry 
> sux
> iu have 2 doc apps this week footed eye///
> then need to get another a1c test done toes..ifim good...and see the primary 
> care doc..
> well looks like ill get 600.00stimulus checkaqndToday scheduled my feb house 
> payment
> this group that doe house repairs..iasked to help me with 2 plastic anchors 
> to hold my mailbox upas the wholes got wider..theguy said is your taxes 
> paid?? and said yes its in the house payment with imnnsurance,,the anchors 
> are like35 cents I just cants iota I could do it myself....so I took some 
> masking tape and wrapped around the anchorandpushed in the hole..they said 
> the waitinglistwas 4 years..to get house repairs the guy said his worker does 
> not even have a car.. but they got 140.00 grant asked me ifs voted for it///I 
> thought they need my help perhaps I could Geta van donated..and they seem to 
> need helpers...volunteers..the guy stopped by while I was shopping and left 
> it in my doortheapplication....itwas all the reasons why they could not do 
> it..I thought..wow..evena blind guy could do it in a few mins/.....2 plastic 
> anchors....2screws//-People make stuff so convoluted and complex when its a 
> easy FIX....
> well this is how god is educating me.........
> survivalist?? no simplifying help as many as possible...but some people are 
> so unable to do things that they get jobs to do then don't allow others to 
> help so I see why some people that cannot think get thrown under the rug
> the guy could have phoned me `st he never said he was coming over...
> oh well he said they do major repairs like broken Pipes
> and it can be escalated
> I told him well help someone in bigger need over me
> as I can adapt
> how are sales at mom and pop??
> your health and wife???
> all the best,
> Tom
> Hollywood dream factory®
> psi had California roll sushi today I bought 2 they're 525 each...the wasabi 
> made my nose run...took allergen
> On 2021-01-09 11:28, Alan Adler wrote:
>> Hang in there, Tom -
>> You are truly a survivor from the old school -
>> And I mean the oldest school there is!
>> Alan
>>> On Jan 9, 2021, at 7:49 AM, Tom Martin 
>>> <dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com> wrote:
>>> well
>>> On dec 25 my left eye..ruputured a vessel
>>> not sure if eye strain as I was wishing all a happy new year and Christmas
>>> so I was shopping fora new iMac..had sod a Disney poster- Herbie goes to 
>>> mete Carlo I think 1968//anfd nota positive feedback on eBay...I included a 
>>> free Hollywood dream factory® hat and Jesse James driveintickets
>>> I was so happy the woman like it....itwent tooswasso Mich..I mailed it 
>>> priority mailing sat but it took week to get her anyways  myanniverasary on 
>>> eBay will be Jan 14 as I started on eBay 1999..its also my brothers Birthday
>>> I think he will be 58 7 years difference I'm 64
>>> so I had apple selling me a new iMac for 1300 ora use 2015 for like 450.00
>>> whenthegoveoffered the stimulus I thought well that will offset costs
>>> thence 25 hitand I was stopped cold..add the virus..riuots impolitic and 
>>> crazy economy
>>> I felt God put the brakes on and said whoa Tom/./////
>>> things are going to get turbulent so hold on
>>> I found myself giving thanks''
>>> I did order a box of 50 Yazoo mailing tubes for 86/00 as I anticipated 
>>> listing posters
>>> so theavastin shot injection takes like 2 weeks to work/////last year jan 
>>> 8the doc missed the velinand it took till march to clear..retinopathy and 
>>> only one eye is tough but had a lazy eye since age 12 so I evened a driver 
>>> license sine 16....I took a taxi to the//it carts 1200 Roundtrip the poster 
>>> sold for 40//0 and eBay feed oflike458amd priority shipping cost///
>>> but by grace God./.I was able to do it I shipped the next day after sale
>>> walt Disney said:" its kind of Fun doing the Impossible"
>>> Agree
>>> I am amazed By Gods plan its like clockwork
>>> he said fear not he will always be there///he said remeberlove God wit all 
>>> your heart and soul..
>>> help your neighbors...andothers//as we all need love and forgiveness...
>>> I prayed that all countries heal..all political sides heal
>>> and I bought 20.00 worst omega millions andpowerbal/.//and gave some to 
>>> thecae company//my neighbors//mailed to my son 2 and kept 3
>>> I sad God if its your will I would like them win as 450 million could aid 
>>> many charity s I support
>>> likability center..cherrystreet Mission and some christian groups///
>>> I starte to practice giving by mailing 1.00 to them like feed the poor as I 
>>> and notwalthy but thoughtitmay gibe them hope whentheyopend it up//amd 
>>> teach me to help others...whats funny it trigger landslide of donation 
>>> envelopes so I habvea pile of requests for donations now lol......myson 
>>> wanted to pitch themas junk mail I said Not...itremind me people need help
>>> thewidos mite was a small coin that a old woman Gavin biblical times//jesus 
>>> was impress not by thesis of her donation but her sincere desire to 
>>> give...onme mission said we cam feed 5 people for 238 so I sent 
>>> 250//////whoa, I to judge if they really giveittothe ones????butGod knows 
>>> if I'm sincere...
>>> so I will just hope god guides me as being blind is very educational;l
>>> Learned to savage around the house by feel...cook in the micro...do load of 
>>> laundry .take a shower..pay bills over trephine/..ther hard part was 
>>> dialing phone..computerand reading the blood letter....but I even walked 
>>> out the trash tothestreet/..lucky there was no ice or it would be 
>>> hard/././///but I also learned too just stop and ask god take thewheeel
>>> thanks everyone/and especially my docwho wet inn sun to give 
>>> metheimjection...I was theonlypatient..and thecabbacbie who waited while he 
>>> gave the shot
>>> tell me there are no Miracles????
>>> God bless
>>> and love each other, help each other//
>>> Jesus said that what you do for the least of them You have done for me
>>> help the less fortunate..ther are many sad angered people who just need 
>>> Love and kindness....
>>> best in 2021 stay safe bless your family
>>> Tom
>>> Hollywood dream Factory®
>>> since 1977
>>> ----
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