We at eMoviePoster.com want to give you one *FINAL* chance to consign to
our soon-to-start July Major Auction, and to tell you that while *Friday
was SUPPOSED to be the final day in which to send your** consignments to
our July Major Auction  we are giving all of you until Monday in which to
send your items (and remember you only have to SEND them on Monday; they
don't have to ARRIVE by then).*

*We know that lots of people end up waiting for the very last moment to
consign, and this IS that last "moment"!* If you *DON'T* get your *July
Major Auction* consignments on the way to us no later than *June 14th*,
then you will have to wait until our *December Major Auction*! Why the
extension? Because several people called and said they needed the weekend,
and rather than give them something no one else gets, we are giving
*EVERYONE* until Monday!

We have many hundreds of items consigned (see some of the better items at
and we charge the lowest commissions of *ANY* major auction at every price
level (and anyone who says different is flat out lying; see
 for absolute proof!), and we have auctioned more movie posters for more
money than anyone in the world. *Why consign anywhere else when you can
consign to the best (and most honest and honorable) auction there is?*

And remember that, unlike many other auctions, which have perfected the
"art of auctioning without auctioning", we actually *DO* auction every item
we list, and they *REALLY* sell to the high bidders! So many other auctions
keep listing the very same items *OVER AND OVER* again (and again, and
again, and again!), and we don't mean the same *TITLES*, but the actual
exact same poster!

We don't know what that means, but it sure *ISN'T *what we do here at
eMoviePoster.com! *EVERY* one of our items actually sells, which is why the
*ONLY* time you seen the exact same items return to our auctions (a
fraction of the time that it happens at other auctions) is either when a
purchaser re-consigns it to us, or the very rare times (fewer than one in
300 times) when the buyer never pays us, and we always identify either of
these when they happen.

*That is why our auctions are such a "breath of fresh air" as opposed to
every other auction, and why we get better results overall, because bidders
and buyers love knowing that our auctions are completely honest (and of
course it also helps that we do everything else right too!).*

What are we looking for? While we of course prefer great items, we will
still accept any linenbacked or paperbacked consignments (movie or
But if your items are *NOT* linenbacked or paperbacked then they need to be
rare, desirable, and in pretty nice condition! If they are not
*REALLY* special,
they will surely do better in our "regular" auctions, and the thing you
most want (and we want!) is for your items to sell for the very most
possible, and if they will do better in the regular auctions, that is where
they should be!

*Given the sensational results we received in ALL of our Major Auction this
year and last (and also our "regular" auctions as well, very much including
our incredible auction of single lobby cards and stills that concluded
yesterday), doesn't it make sense to consign some or all of your top items
that you are willing to sell*, so they can be in this *July Major Auction*,
when we absolutely have the most (and best) buyers of quality material we
have ever had?

Don't delay. Consign today! This is absolutely going to be another
wonderful auction!


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