What a selection! If you have the slightest interest in vintage movie
posters (or NON-movie posters too!) and would like to buy more, but you may
not have done so because you thought the good ones were "too expensive",
but if so, you are wrong!

*There is just ONE day left in eMoviePoster.com's 1,500 oversized and
standard rolled poster auctions closing Thursday at
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/14.html> and at the current bid
prices there are lots of sensational deals and many outright stills!Hard to
believe? The proof is in the bids. With one day to go until these start to
close, there are 362 of these at just $1 each, 531 at $1 to $5 each. and a
whopping SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY of these at just $10 each or under!And
 there is no fine print to these auctions, that turn "steals" into
not-so-good deals. There are NO massive $19 "minimum buyers premiums" (in
fact, there are no buyers premiums at all) so "$1" is really $1)!*

At THESE low, low prices you could buy one or more that catches your eye
and tack or tape it on your wall (just like you did when you were a teen)
or you could give unique gifts to friends.

These days, almost everything seems so expensive, but NOT many of these
items, which will give you years of viewing pleasure! And in addition to
the many low priced ones, there are also a LOT of extreme rarities, many at
VERY reasonable prices!

These items closing Thursday will likely be of interest to absolutely
anyone who collects ANY type of posters (movie or non-movie) because they
include so many different types of posters, covering all years, genres,
stars and sizes!

If you have not yet registered, go to
<https://auctions.emovieposter.com/Registration.taf>* to sign up (we
qualify our bidders, something few auctions do, which means you will always
be bidding against real bidders who honor their bids).


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