its actually spiritual uplifting as I know many have it far worse..I share it as it seems almost biblical asa regret my working poop cultures it caused anyone harm like hurting or ifitaffected kids as can be witnessed in movies a video games but we had cowboys when was a kid and gladiators and army men we glamorized guns and we were taught racism for Indians. hispanics. jews . asians..and blacks...
so I see how movies taught us hate...
yet they also taught us love and its a wonderful life..all the animal films.. and many others like 10 commandments Charlton Heston ..stanly Kramer showed racial lessons with Siney pokier///

and so film has done much positive 2001 let us see possible flaws in science and computers..and AI I just hope Christ returns soon as I am very very tested..

but I imagine peace and love and like MLK unity fall brothers and sisters in the world..soguess I am a dreamer after all....LOL::: take care all

On 2022-07-03 15:09, S Yafet wrote:
More than anyone should have to bear, Tom.
Always praying for you.

On Sun, Jul 3, 2022, 1:01 PM Tom Martin
<> wrote:

wow..I can't believe I'm still alive

true story the social services called to assess me my mental
qabilitys after all my illness..a amputated foot, part blind, a
ear, heart congestive failure
divorce , some of the worst business in myeline,,being targeted
trademark infringement Bothe domestic and also by china..

covid the economy lost my dl gave my car to mason..
then easter Good Friday the gas co struck my water line feed and so
entire line from basement to street had to be replaced,,then Easter

Sunday my AC broke and my brother ac man had a heart attack and
I've been in res about 10-11 times maybe more during all

power electric died after posted to Ringo Facebook when he said
and l love as his bd is July 7 2022. after I replied yes it is the
shut offlikethe surge was too much for the grid,,,LOL

my refrigerator broke out of the blue when had Tommy clean itoutand
fuji apples onthecounter I took one biteand mellower molar broke in I needed a mercy crown on that tooth,,,so my son had a
fridge so I get little food runs but its so small it can not store
anothersocialagency is trying to get a new one but supply chain

the doctors...well my original surgeon is in DSallas and will give
me a
phone call mid July the local docs wanted cooperate on the
foot,,one doc
gave me silver impregnated bandages that are supposed to aid in
healing,, others wanted to do surgery in the hospital and give me
extended iv antibiotics they attack the kidneys so you get the
inconteneny results cutis,,etc,,,
so I figured I am circling the drain ana logically I don't have a
when in the hospital I started to see betters the eye doc said it
coincidence but his entire office. had covid so I though maybe I
stand no one knew it,
medicine is basically a guessing game
so they can mis diagnose all the time

so left the hospital ANA against medical advice and said ill Geta
opinion 3rd before lop off the other foot

what the infectious disease guy didn't remeberwas in 2021 he told
me a
similar story I had osteomyelitis butt theotherdocs said MRIs can
false reading
so I just thoght well ill put it in gods hand if he wants me dead
so be
so the assesnent people called and said how is your. view of your


I said I am a TRAIN wreck and then started to tell them my thoughts

they said don't mention politic..religion

I said well do you watch news or Facebook or tv all anyone does is
politics and economy or they are in a cave

I said ifthereis nota Jesus or god that seeing all this insanity we
all the food ,gas, kids killing kids... economy etc is
I've personally seen in 65 years,,

the solution is simple as Ringo said Peace and love as also Jesus
Gandhi , MLK
dal lama the muslim ,jews and christians all know its Abraham..and
god see all this hate war,andinsanity in government and wh we need
help brothers and sisters everywhere into world..

so I told my assessors,,that sure imstressed as I have a son and
relatives it makes me sad to see anyone suffer
but it made Jesus cry and sad too so its OK,,\
anger is not the answer Christ said father forgive them as they
know not
what they do..

I say forgive our enemies also as the men and women think poe
wer is the answer in moneywhe all will fall apart if they turn to
and harmingthepoor,elderly Kidadn women...

about all we can do is try to help who you can,,pray and hope
does not get hurt,,\

I just hope Christ returns soon as thats meanly hope if I expire I
consider it Graduation...

my Facebooks ben hacked as of June 13 so I am not able to
communicate phone cell phone also seems hackled,,I keep getting Mexican
calls they just hang up///

im happy today I took down my eBay listings unless I get
organized or
Tommy takes it over.

I refunded a order fora George Burrell interview I did when was
told the guyillsed it free when located,,but didn't feel I could
do a
good jobs I refunded its I still have 100 percent positive

eBay was very happy and said handled it well as I started on eBay
jan 14
1999 my brothers birthday prior I was mail order since 1977 and
my retail brick and morter oct 16 1981 on Sylvania av after my
in 2000 I returned to mail order
its been great journeying its up to God whats next

the best parts people faces smiling whentheywere happy
and friends I made who educated on all the eclectic aspects of
and its pioneers,

the entertainment biz has positive and negative..Mel blanc told me
Nov.19 1976 at the hamburger hamlet in Beverly Hills California
asked Mel?? Cani be honest in entertainment biz???he said yes you
just remember there are some Good guys and not so good
best to network with the Good guys,,

I tell that all the sound people and it stills the best advice I

God bless and happy 4 2022 Tom
Hollywood dream Factory®
since may 24 1977


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