*eMoviePoster.com has three great current sets of auctions  (containing
3,904 auctions in all!) that close NEXT Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday (May
9th, 11th, and 14th, in our "every four week auctions).These auctions
contain so many varied items that at least some of them are likely to be of
great interest to virtually EVERY collector! What's in these three sets of
auctions?Our current Tuesday auctions ending the 9th
at http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/13.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/13.html> contain 1,616 folded U.S. &
non-U.S. posters, lobby cards, stills, and MUCH more, with something for
literally EVERYONE, including the best group of folded one-sheets you have
ever seen outside of our major auctions!Our current Thursday auctions
ending the 11th at http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/14.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/14.html> contain 1,100 rolled posters
(U.S. non-U.S. and NON-movie posters). This has a fabulous selection of
posters of every kind, spread pretty evenly from the 1950s to the present,
with 115 from before 1950, and posters from 26 different countries are
included!There are also ONE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE mostly signed and numbered
art prints (including many Mondos)
at https://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/tag/xtype%253Aart%2520print/14.html
<https://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/tag/xtype%253Aart%2520print/14.html> and
they include some REALLY nice ones!Our Sunday auctions ending the 14th
at http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/15.html> contain 1,189 bulk lots
containing 48,765 items in all! Last month we had our biggest and BEST bulk
lot auction EVER with 980 bulk lots containing 39,364 items in all!BUT THIS
CURRENT ONE POSITIVELY DWARFS THAT ONE! What's up with all this bulk lot
selling? Ironically, it is because we are working towards completely ending
CONSIGNMENTS.So if you like these bulk lot auctions, please take advantage
of these last ones, because soon they will occur far less often, and with a
fraction of the quantities. Buying from these bulk lot auctions is like
walking into a store and everything is 90% off!Or (for the next 6 full
days, until the Tuesday auctions start to close on the 9th) view ALL of the
3,904 current auctions in a single gallery
at http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html
<http://www.emovieposter.com/agallery/all.html>, which is especially
valuable if you want to search ALL of the current 3,904 auctions at once
for a star, genre, size or whatever!It is virtually a certainty that no
matter what you collect you will find items of interest in this massive
supermarket selection, and not only that, but we add a similar selection
every other week, and you can wait an unheard of SIXTEEN full weeks to have
your purchases shipped, which saves you a fortune on combined shipping (as
long as you pay for each set of purchases after two weeks).I could easily
write a great deal more about how many excellent items there are in all
three sets of auctions and how low the current bid prices are, but I would
much rather you simply see for yourself at the above links! Not yet
registered? Go to https://auctions.emovieposter.com/Registration.taf
<https://auctions.emovieposter.com/Registration.taf> to sign up (we qualify
our bidders, something few auctions do, so you always bid against real
bidders who honor their bids).And if YOU are somehow not interested in any
of these items, but have friends who would be (because they collect items
like these or would find just one of interest) then do us (and them!) a
favor by helping spread the word to them before these close!*

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