Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my left foot my only remaining foot I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until like March 4 meanwhile Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property

I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I am guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1 April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult protective services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every mental health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've told you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their children to love not to hate My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in God and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks she contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had caused the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with the police and let everybody kn I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000 that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying to let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk with God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also which look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are shooting people because they want But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want love and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how it is if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all and I wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings in the last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water pipe was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from the basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the basement in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the plumbing in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and also while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city who awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've been able to afford song are countless blessings They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my family my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered Christians became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible that any man can change their heart and their mind and your soul and any woman also but you have to wish it and surrender to God So pray for everyone pray for your children pray for your neighbors and pray for your enemies and pray for everyone who's ever hurt you or hurt others because they all need help my foot doctor had to remove bone infection out of my foot and then I had a second bone infection so it's been a long journey are they've got me on antibiotics again after they had me on six weeks of antibiotics through an IV in the hospital so it's been a long journey I can tell you this nursing homes are a horrible place for anyone the employees are non-unhappy with their jobs and so they are very disrespectful to elderly people so please if it all possible don't put your relatives in a Also I discovered that my son I believe has been bipolar for several years and that explains why he goes from jackal to hide in his loving one minute and then threatening to put me in a nursing home the poor guys under stress and it was all because his mother brainwashed him when he was young and told him not to listen to me a priest told me I had to report her because Tommy was not educated until his last two years of high school so he was the illiterate cannot read or write and can you make some tutors and he still never believe my story of what happened in our marriage so he thought I was delusional and he kept telling me to get counseling when in fact I did voluntarily go to the counselors and they said they couldn't believe how well I was handling stress and I told them tom Martin would've given up years ago however why I was able to take all the attacks and stress with my health and my mind my soul what is due to Jesus Christ who has had my back for years and I finally realized how much you had helped me through so many things my eyes can still burst capillaries and get another hemorrhage so even though right now I can see some light it'll probably reoccur again I'm trying to get as much done before that happens and get in place assistance to help me I'm also trying to get rid of a lot of my stuff so that I don't make a big mess before I go I am deeply worried about my son and my brother who had a heart attack and a stroke I'm of all times Easter Sunday right after my pipe broke my brother is also a believer in Christ and so I knew he'd be OK even if he passed away but still it's my half brother and I love him dearly he can't even talk to people he's got PTSD now and he learned he was diabetic and he's not taking it well and he's angry and his customers because even though he was in the hospital he did heating and air in the customers were still calling him for work orders It's best if you want to contact me to phone me at 419-474-3065 that's the Hollywood dream factory phone number for over 46 years otherwise I don't know how much I'll be on the Internet due to my eye issues I've been off Facebook for close to four months and I've contacted some of my close friends and family and that's why I'm contacting you all at Mopo so god bless your family and friends and let's just hope the world gets better soon which I think it will but it might not be too pretty before things get a little rougher before it gets better so hang in there pray to God help people as much as you can it be good to each other love you all
SINCE 1977


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