hello MOPo well my theories on the Internet and on artificial intelligence seems to be true the inventor of the AI says that he agrees that it's moving too fast and there's a lot of negative aspects to the artificial intelligence I've noticed this especially with companies using AI for customer service that it seemed like there was a sterile approach and lack of empathy robotic systems when you ask for customer service or help so I think that the lack of personal involvement is what it's causing much of the systems to fail This also transpires into almost every sector including the entertainment business there is so much being based on statistics and artificial intelligence and if you look at history what separated us from Robards is the ability to think outside the box and use human compassion and empathy on decision making Ryan holiday in his books spell out very vividly how the human condition has affected us in our egos and also in decision making and how quieting the mind has been used by both religious leaders political leaders Indian war time he sites John F. Kennedy how he dealt with the Cuban missile crisis by slowing down he's mine not reacting with knee-jerk I noticed the same thing in contemporary politics and because of the speed of the Internet and media we are over reacting to the extreme the medical industry is caving in on itself along with the insurance industry and as we have seen in the recent months the banking industry is almost the same level during the pre-depression era

As Franklin Roosevelt said " the only thing to fear is fear it self"

Never in my 66 years on this planet have I seen humanity this unsure of itself and frightened beyond belief about everything the division gap has widened touching all genders all ages all demographics all cultures

We have lost our compass on where we're going and what we're doing and how we are trying to achieve it yep the good news is the out-of-the-box thinker's sing to understand as well the ones that have created the mass see problem

This is where Faith comes in from the little I have studied from the Bible and other religions they all seem to agree that all the tenants of virtue being kind helping others love and peace are the ultimate solution for all the worlds problems meaning of time till now The lessons I was taught by my mentors and parents grandparents place to be honest and help others even though there is much hypocrisy in the world by people going astray there is a common bonds there is universal I've seen it in the eyes of people and faces when they are treated with kindness and empathy

I have witnessed people change after they have suffered trauma decide to help others even though they may have led a jaded life in the past so with that in mind and with the words of all the peacemakers dreamers and creative people who have sought to see peace love and happiness in the world this is why I do not give up hope that is Jesus Christ told us we would ultimately find redemption salvation and peace it's just a nowhere in the Bible does it say it will be an easy ride to get there matter of fact the book is laden with struggle temptation and much strife

If you make just one person have less pain and struggle today you can make a difference God bless you all peace and love may your families and friends have less struggle
Hollywood dreamFactory®
since 1977


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