hello Folks

Just thought I would share some thoughts before this memorial day holiday I've been giving a lot of thought of gratitude and thanks for so many people and so many opportunities that I have had over the years Life is so bizarre we live in a world where things can change almost on a daily basis and affect us for a lifetime I did a funny thing i I've been getting emails from Arnold Schwarzenegger's help for project on exercise dining and matters of the mind in dealing with fear and such at the same time I've been on Maria Shriver Arnold's wife's post in which she she and her son are selling a energy bar called mosh

As you may or not know Arnold has a new series coming out on TV called fubar and so I suggested to Maria Anna Anna Schwarzenegger family the day rebrand their protein bar and Call it fubar so I wrote to both Arnold and Maria and suggested they rebrand their bar and capitalize on the Schwarzenegger name associated with health and benefits I never quite knew what the term fubar meant but I guess it's a military slogan that means fucked up beyond recognition-so I googled us after I had made the comment to Arnold and Maria I could be the poster boy for fubar with my life episodes of trial and errors of about everything you can do wrong in business and relationships and in business

So I thought well it's so crazy maybe they'll actually like it and go with it I told them to put the bars in biodegradable packaging and that they should give out mini size by Kalawahine candy size samples because I noticed that people were commenting on Maria's post that they didn't get their shipments in time and as you all know I'm a very big stickler on customer service and so I thought what they needed to do is improve turnaround time customer service and customer satisfaction as I think that taking care of customers is of upmost importance in any business and treating the customers with respect and details and delivering on time and not taking advantage or overcharging for shipping and such I've always been a big advocate of free samples if your products good and you can stand behind it giving someone a free sample is an investment in your business not a cost my postmistress at the post office used to say to me Tom why do you give away so much stuff for free I said I'm investing in my business I figure if I make people happy and they tell their friends they're gonna come back for more and tell their other friends and relatives so the little cost that I might be spending on giving a free sample ensures that are building and I'll get a reputation of giving good deals honestly and with quality have to reason why I landed major big orders for the studios the movie studios areas like Paramount Disney Warner Bros. MGM in Universal is because I gave good value and great turnaround time and I would always spot difficulties before the studios even would like for instance notice of copyright and other factors and they would always remark wow thank you for catching it if you think of any good product that you rely on it because you know that the company will stand behind it and if there's a problem they will take care of you I found my business I'm seers and roebuck many years ago because John seers in Alva roebuck took care of customers their first product was a pocket watch and when a farmer dropped his watch and broke the basil Sears been over and picked it up and said I'll have it back to you as good as new in the morning and saw the fireworks were so impressed there ask him what and that's how they built a huge Sears and roebuck company and lotta people may not know but alpha roebuck started the Motiograph movie projector company and sold movie projectors after he love the seers company I hope y'all get a nice snicker out of my recent adventures by the way I want to be a doctor on Thursday and after three months in a new eye doctor he said the vitreous hemorrhage is stopped bleeding for now and keep up my low sugar blood sugar is my primary care doctor I saw today told me that my A1c was 6.1 which is excellent I've been running now Numbers of between 100 and 115 daily and I have a visiting nurse who is addressing my wound on my foot I've been taking antibiotics for and she and the doctor the podiatrist say the wound is healing from the surgery I had in January diabetic wounds are very hard to heal but it's coming along I give credit to Jesus Christ because all the stuff I've been through has been very difficult for me especially with my son and my ex-wife I've had so many blessings and I'm so thankful the weather in Toledo was 73° which is my favorite weather and I sat in the sun in the parking lot of the primary care doctors office waiting for my cab when a woman came out on crutches she said my Shitzu dog died and I cried so hard that I sprained my back and I told her don't worry I am almost positive that we get to see our pets in the next life and our relatives and our friends that this isn't it this is just the preliminary to teach us what unconditional love is all about and I said you did that with wonderful colors she started to cry and I said don't don't cry because you're spraying your back again I said you know it wasn't a coincidence that we ran into each other I said this is how God works I said he puts the right person on your path at the right time and I said by the way when I was a small boy I wanted to be a veterinarian and she said that's funny so did I it was a very interesting moment and I hope I gave that woman some peace as well as anyone else in Mopo that might be suffering from loss or stress or health issues God bless you all happy memorial day the woman said she never became a vet because she wouldn't have the heart to euthanize animals I said that's the same reason why I didn't go in the military because I don't think I could kill another human being even though my father was a US Marine Sergeant in Korean conflict I've always been a piece love kind of guy that does not like war or killing of any kind of anybody when I asked this jazz pianist are used to represent eddie Abrams who was the Purple Heart World War II veteran and 10 golden gloves boxing what was the greatest lesson he ever learned he said you gotta love love you gotta hate hey Eddie played with Lionel Hampton west from Inkster Michigan and lived with Art Tatum's niece in Toledo who is a very humble musician he didn't care about fame or recognition he wanted to go see his grandchildren which I was able to get his daughter to take him out to California to see the grandchildren none slightly after that he died peace and love and thanks to all the World War I World War II veterans in Vietnam and Korea soldiers who voluntarily gave their lives to try to protect others God bless them and thank you for your service I just missed the draft as it was stopped in 1972 I was classified 1a but I was part of the peace love generation that wanted to stop the wars I still am like that I wish Vladimir Putin Zelenskyy would find peace and stop sacrificing young men's lives and hurting other people like elders and children and would rebuild Ukraine instead of destroying it they are all brothers and sisters to be fighting over dirt never has made sense we learned that in the children's sandbox


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