Thank you Jim, Larry, Scott and Alan for the kind words!

I agree with you Alan, that Ivory dinner jacket from Casablanca is
definitely one of the most iconic pieces in cinema history - even
surpassing Rick's trench coat from the same film. I imagine these should
exist in Warner's archive? Though I don't believe I've ever seen the Ivory
jacket anywhere before. Warner Bros do have a Bogart suit from Casablanca
on display in their museum - but you would think that they'd have the ivory
jacket on display if they had it?


On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 10:25 PM Garth Grieder <>

> Hey MoPo -
> It's not exactly poster related (though some posters can be seen in the
> background), but I put together a little video on my screen worn costume
> collection. It includes pieces worn by Bogart, Cagney, Robinson, Groucho
> Marx, and Paul Muni's pinstripe suit from Scarface. I thought some may
> enjoy seeing:
> Hope you enjoy,
> Garth

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